Just got back from the vets - 2 possible ops

Aw Mups, that’s great news.

It sure is. Thanks my dongle. x

That’s great news I’d like to offer hugs but too sore at the moment I’ll have to blow you a kiss instead mmmmmwhaaaa :mrgreen:

Thanks Julie, I’m so relieved. x

Mups I have only just seen this and I have only one thing to say. " Yippee :038:, I told you she would be alright didn’t I" :mrgreen:

Now on Friday we would all love to get the reply that Gertie is alright a.s.a.p… but I know she will be!:hug:

Thank you Rachel & Twinks.

I am so pleased and relieved about Mups.
I will let you know about my Gertie a.s.a.p. x x

Glad to hear fluffy Mups is okay. If Gertie is anything like ChoCho after being spayed she’ll be just fine. When we went to collect ChoCho, she flew out of the Vet’s room like Linford Christie with the vet running after her. Madam had spotted a toy on a low shelf on the way in and off she went to get it. Everyone in the place was laughing at her, she still had a drainage tube attached to her. “Oh well”, the vet said, “so much for me going to tell you to keep her quiet when she gets home”.

We were actually amazed how spaying is done these days. No bruising, no external stiches, just one internal stitch we were told. There appeared to be no visible wound at all, it just looked as if the skin had been rolled over.
So I’m sure Gertie will be just fine.

Great news Mups , so pleased :slight_smile:

Your ChoCho sounds a real character clumsy. :slight_smile:
They still come home with external stitches here though - well they do from my vets anyway.

I am a bit extra concerned about Gertie and the anaesthetic because of her heart murmur, though they tell me it is minor now. He knows her history and I trust him to be vigilant. It’s just I hate coming home without them. :frowning:

Abbey Thanks very much for your good wishes. x :slight_smile:

That’s excellent news Mups is ok, Mups :smiley:

I had a kerarin tumour removed from my arm four years ago, fortunately it was benign but I fully understand how worrying it can be at the time.

I hope all goes well for Gertie, I’ sure she will be fine… :slight_smile:

Ditto from me :smiley:

It’s not such a big op these days and it sounds as if your Vet is sensible.

Thanks again ladies. :slight_smile: x

All good vibes for Gertie on Friday. She’ll be fine and so will you Mups, after the event !


That is wonderful news, Mups and Mups !:smiley:

Good news about the growth Mups :slight_smile: our dogs can be such a worry…

Thanks again ladies. You can imagine how relieved I am.
Hopefully now she shouldn’t have to have her tail off after all.

Just got to get Gertie through her op now and my little world will be good again. :slight_smile:

YOO-HOO, anybody there?


Just wanted to say Gertie went in just before 9 am this morning, and one of the nurse’s phoned at 10.45 to let me know she has had surgery and is recovering already.
They will ring again later to let me know when she can come home.

Y-I-P-P-E-E. All safe and done.

That is great news Mups.:slight_smile: I have spent most of the morning telling my sister all about her… so now I will have to phone her and let her know she is ok.