Just giving -voluntary donation

I have been asked to sponsor my granddaughter in a charity fundraiser , something I have done before .you have to give the money via Just Giving .
I was annoyed that they say they don’t take fees but would like a voluntary contribution. This however is anything but voluntary its automatically added and although apparently a way around it I can’t find it .
This has put me off completely.

Hmm. Cheeky indeed. Add on the running costs that the charity concerned takes for its own admin fees, one has to wonder just what proportion will actually filter it’s way through to the intended recipients.

15% of your donation is not voluntary. I think its ridiculous that they add it, and then say “did you mean to do this?”

They should reword it and make it obvious they are asking you for this before just adding it on.

I see why it will make people less inclined to give. But good luck in your granddaughters endeavours, Muddy :+1:


That’s interesting, they have similar schemes here BUT they ask if you want to add a sum to cover credit card or admin fees. I don’t think I have ever seen them added automatically ie if you donate $50 you will pay $50 but can voluntarily add a buck or so to cover fees.

At least that is my experience with my grandkids, whether that is because of the drip pricing legislation I don’t know

Charity begins at home.
90% of moneys given to charities are taken in administration,the fat cats getting fatter.

Not sure about 90%, but I do know that any of that money that is spent on salaries would be liable for taxation.

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On a sort related theme, I’m not too keen on the idea of having to tick an “opt out” box to prevent money being handed over, anyway.

Happens occasionally at restaurants for gratuities. Er, no thanks, I’d rather hand the cash tip directly to the service staff.

Happened also when I bought a TV from asda a few years ago, paying with my credit card. Bothered to have a bit of a closer look at my statements a few months later and saw that there’d been a regular payment of about £4.50ish going out for a few months. Traced the recipient company, and it was a legitimate insurance company providing an extended warranty for the TV… It seems I needed to read the till receipt at the time of purchase and arranged an opt out of this automatic add-on. As I hadn’t read the fine print at the time (who does??)I wasn’t able to get a refund. Could have been worse and I might have missed it for years and handed over way more than the value of the TV.

That is tantamount to theft imo Dextrous63.
So pleased you spotted it on your statement,i wonder how many thousands of people haven`t.

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I always double check nowadays. Online purchases to eg screwfix have an option such as “do you want to round your payment up by 45p to donate to charity”, which seems reasonable in that one has to click “yes”, rather than go through a process (seemingly nigh on impossible to find on @Muddy 's just giving experience) to say no thank you.

It’s all an extention or what most people know, in that assumption will make a monkey of you.

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