Just for Spitty

As I thought there is a dearth of sultry old Geezers about ( that I know anyhow )
So have picked one off the net to paint
He’s more sultry in real life girls .

So first stage


you are very talented Muddy
how much might you charge to do a painting for me, its an indian [Goa} lady
i took a wonderful photo of her, most folks dont think its wonderful
but i know she was looking at me…lol…its a portrait…

lol, i’m afraid i dont know how to send it Muddy

Thanks Muddy, good to see balance, and beautiful artwork, but, this geezer sort of looks OK with being old, and lacking in the trappings of being young, an old guy has to suffer more visually than an older lady to get the message across.

Sultry old blokes are definitely tricky in more ways than one
Can anyone guess who it’s meant to be yet?

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It looks a bit like Charles Dance to me…

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Well done Carol it is indeed !
The thing is to make it a lot more like Charles Dance :grinning:

lol, I also saw Charles but refrained from comment in case it wasnt…coward I know…

I did recognise Charles Dance. His distinctive features are all in the bags under his bulbous eyes, those chiseled cheekbones and that mouth!. Capturing the sardonic stare on canvas is quite challenging. If it’s the photo below you’ve used, I think the mouth is a little thinner than in real life, but perhaps you’ve used a more recent shot?


Nope it was this photo ( was looking for a sultry old bloke )
Yes I need to do it bit of work on it still

Nice :ok_hand: choice!

Love your work!

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Thank you minx but he’s has proved to be quite difficult .
As Annie said that stare is hard to catch .

It really is an amazing likeness

More or less done now put in some more background needs to dry