The joy of being a dog!
I cant bear it! too cute x
Thanks…I think I like her better when she’s scruffy, to be honest
PixieK he’s so adorable
@PixieKnuckles Aw Pixie John looks lovely and I bet he feels better, Chloe goes mad when I trim her running around and rubbing on the carpet.
Smart chap.
John’s looking very handsome with his new hair cut Pixie!
haha! Really? I’m not so sure…I adore the scruffy look better!
Its tidier anyway I suppose.
I would say he looks handsome with his hair short and cute (like a little teddy bear!) with his hair long and ‘scruffy’
It’s nice to have a change from time to time, and great that he’s lucky enough to go from one end of the scale to the other
She is very pretty, and a Diva, and she knows how to use her Diva skills!
(And yes, she has a boys name. Not my choice, I have to say, but its intriguing)
Tell her I’m sorry for getting her gender mixed up I’m blaming you for giving her a boy’s name tho
(is there a story behind that? Was she a rescue?)
Someone tried to buy her off us in the street when she was a puppy. So I panicked and said “we need to change her name so nobody knows we are calling on a dog” My husband thought for a minute and said “I know! We’ll call her John, nobody will ever know”
So John it was. We get some strange looks in the vets when they come out and say " Is John ready to be seen?" But its handy for ducking out of socials, when I say…“Oh I can’t go, I’m going out with John!”
That’s a good one Pixie
Well, tell John from me that she’s gorgeous and I love how she’s bending all the rules
She’s lovely both ways.
Cute dog. Doesn’t look happy about a haircut in that 1st pic. Priceless.