John Denver - my favourite singer/songwriter

8 Platinum albums (Platinum is 1 million units sold)
14 Gold albums (Gold is 500,000 units sold)
All up - 35 million albums.
John Denver documentary


John Denver ~ Take Me Home, Country Roads


@Bretrick Whilst I agree Mr Deutschendorf wrote and performed some good songs, twas a pity his flying skills of his kit plane were not quite as good; or did his penchant for alcohol over take him :man_shrugging:If I remember correctly, he had lost his flying permit (revoked) due to his problem, so he was flying illegally.


Yes he is one of the greatest, definitely.

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Our music teacher at school taught us that song, I still remember it, just the first part though.

This has always been my favourite John Denver Song. Ironically, John sings of a flight from LA to Aspen, “it’s a long time to hang in the sky”, as he was killed in a flying accident in his own private plane.

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My boarding school was deffo progressive and the music master was into Buddy Holly, so our go-to song was Oh Boy and my twanging skills were honed to such offerings :guitar::notes::clap::+1: