Job Interview & Not Showing Up

What is it with people; who go for a job interview, and they accept the job but; then they don’t show up, don’t call or anything ?? :angry:

When I was working, interviewing for my company was part of my job and interviewed a lot of people. Many were there just to say they applied, but had no interest in the position. Some were there who shouldn’t be there (Thanks to our HR recruitment and vetting process). Some accepted the job, but then decided afterwards the pay wasn’t worth it, or the terms and conditions were unacceptable. Some had other job interviews going at the same time and decided not to pursue the one offered.

No-shows and job refusals are part of the process when trying to recruit and we just had to accept it will happen with some people. Annoying and time-wasting…but what can you do?


I can’t see this happening often in our country, finding a job is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

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Perhaps you got off lightly,if they are that discourteous they may not have fitted in anyway.
You could do that sort of thing in the UK but I thought only in the 60’s :grinning:

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Yeah, you’re better off without people like that. Grrrrr

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Just to let everybody know; this happened at my boyfriend’s workplace.
They interviewed two people for different positions; the guy for the Sales Dept.
starting today; which he did show up. The other is a girl for position
of: Purchasing/Inventory also starting today; and she never showed up.

It’s not the first time that this happened; they had interviewed a girl some time ago;
I can’t remember what the position was; but, she did the same thing; didn’t show up
and never called either.

This is totally unprofessional and disrespectful !!

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All I can guess is that those who don’t show, phone or otherwise communicate never wanted the position in the first place–and ultimately the company is better off without them. But what a colossal waste of everyone’s time/effort.

Speaks to the applicant’s complete lack of manners and professionalism.


Do you have a long wait time between giving them the job and their start date?

This used to happen where I worked

Usually, people looking for work apply and interview for lots of jobs at the same time, in the hope of getting one of them

So maybe they accepted your jobs and then got a better offer from another one they applied for before they were due to start at yours?

I agree it was very rude not to tell you though

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Job refusals are understandable - somebody comes for an interview, is applying for several jobs, gets their prefferred one and then declines yours.

or decides something about the job, that they find out at interview, isnt going to work for them so they decline

as long as they notify you of not coming or not accepting, then that is reasonable.

Just not showing up without notice isnt.


** Attention **

I found out when my boyfriend came home; that the girl will be starting tomorrow
instead; and that the reason why she didn’t show up was because of an emergency
either last night or today.

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Glad to hear it worked out in your boyfriend’s company.

I was reading an article in Oct. 2021 about no-shows. That might have had to do more with the pandemic in the US. At that time, there was a 90% no show rate for interviews with lots of people not showing up for the job.

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Well, she did it again. She never showed up yesterday; and she hasn’t shown up today. Nobody knows what’s going on with her; if she just (quit) or another emergency. That is totally unprofessional on her part; people should not be doing this, no matter what’s going on; the person should always take the time to notify someone where they work; to let them know what’s going on.

Fortunately we were lucky in that respect - we had just one failure and he was so aggravating. I had to sack him. One in 40 years.


Still Hasn’t Shown Up; Not A Word At All :angry:

Well, a termination letter was sent to her; hasn’t been in all week, no contact from her at all; she had given her brother’s name and number as a contact, and no response from him either. Also, she had borrowed the company van to move near the end of June. She had even asked in early June to take a week off at the end of July. So, nobody knows what happened to her :angry: :confused:

Without evidence to the contrary, sounds like a scammer. Wonder if there was a real “emergency”. And, what bothers me, is given all the ways we have to communicate now: email, phone, text, snail mail, that she would not use any of these to let her employer know what has happened.

I guess your boyfriend’s company needs to look for someone more reliable. And maybe ask the next prospective employee if they know how to phone/text/email? :smiley:

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