Sorry I don’t like your bullying way of discussion …
Have a nice day .
Sorry I think you need to be more open to very mild and not bullying questioning about a statement you made. If you are happy with your statement then simply explain it. If your statement was made in haste and error then simply say so. I am not being bullying just asking for an explanation. What is wrong with that?
Have a nice day
Running a political party from a nursing home where the head nurse is Diane Abbot is certainly innovative
The world would be a better place with more people like him in it!
Preferably in some other part of the world he clearly hates the U.K.
Corbyn = Just some hippy type woke bloke who doesn’t shave…
My old boss used to say “You are a bum if you don’t shave every day”
Middle class muddler
One of the few remaining truly honest politicians
Great idea. It will take a few votes off Keir Starmer. Labour votes will be split up, giving Tories an advantage.
He’s the Tories last hope .
Not to mention his ghastly acolytes like Kate Osamor and Tahir Ali
Does no-one think that the UK is long overdue a swing to the left? The right wing, small government, small taxation thinking has dominated for many years and it’s hard to see the benefit for any but the wealthy few. Concepts such a tax cuts to stimulate growth seem to be accepted without challenge - even though there’s never been any evidence for this. Privatisation has not delivered the massive improvement in investment, cost to run or quality of delivery. Cuts to social care, arts, local services and pretty much everything have left the place looking shoddy. That is what right of centre policies have given us. So why not a bit of left of centre approach for a few years? (Ok, so Corbyn isn’t the right man for that.)
Anything that splits the Labour vote get my approval
I do agree. But if Starmer gets in it will be a swing to the right!
You think? A swing down the middle, perhaps, but the Tory party is now so far to the right there is little scope for further right. Although, I suspect the Tory membership might wish Truss type policies back on themselves - which would nudge them a bit more to the right (right into unelectable territory). How anyone could want more of the last few years of cuts & chaos I really do not understand.
Yes, myself and many other ex Labour voters could never vote for someone like Starmer and his buddies. There are still some genuine good Labour MPs and I hope they retain their seats, they are all on the back benches though.
If I understand your thinking, you have decided that you would prefer 5 more years of Tory government to a Labour government led by Starmer. That sounds like Corbyn’s plan. But are you sure that is what you want?
(What’s the opposite of realpolitik?)
Not a case of preferring I detest both of them. But what’s the point of replacing one lot of crooks with another. And Starmer has proven to be an untrustworthy snake.
So right. Laura Kinsburg’s research team interviewed 600 people of a mixed persuasion and asked their voting preference. Majority were anti Tory but also not committed to Labour. I feel much the same. I am also anti Liberal or Green because of the LTN mess up in Oxford. I act as a volunteer driver for vulnerable adults but will have to sadly give up, if I am forced to use the A34 by-pass. There is always a traffic jam on a daily basis.
Its been 30 days since my comment, the comment still stands.