Jacob Rees-Mogg wrongly claims taking morning after pill is abortion

Danny over here there are not many unwanted babies as the mothers chose to keep them .
People who wish to adopt face a long wait unless they take an older less perfect child and not everyone is up to looking after a child with disabilities or difficulties .
A healthy baby is what most childless people would like .
Sometimes it must be better for the child and the mother who may be too young herself to cope with a little child.,I don’t believe in late abortions ( after 12 weeks ) but I believe in the morning after pill it’s better than a ruined life for both mother and child.

He’d like us back to the Bloody Mary days.

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Make mine a large one then. :rofl:

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I can’t stand the man, he is stuckup up and looks down his nose on everyone. I would love to see him with a shovel and spade and actually working for a living. A typical upper class pratt of the first water

He loves his Nanny though she been with him 52 years :slight_smile:

As is every egg, but they get jettisoned most months just the same.

Mark Spencer replaces Mr Rees-Mogg as House of Commons leader. Rees-Mogg, a prominent Leave campaigner during the 2016 EU referendum, will be a full member of the cabinet, having previously only attended it. Mr Spencer, who was previously chief whip, will continue to attend.

Brexit opportunities?

I assume that it’s this:

Search for head of the new Brexit Opportunities Unit begins - GOV.UK.

A new Brexit Opportunities Unit has been established to support him in this work. The new Cabinet Office unit will play a crucial role in setting the strategy for the Government’s ambitious approach to regulation, reviewing and reforming existing policy and regulation, and supporting the scrutiny and introduction of new regulation.

Its work will build on progress made since the end of the Transition Period, including regulations to access global talent and forging new trade deals around the world.

Is Rees-Mogg made for such a “dynamic” opportunity … :081: