I've had my chest x-ray

You are in my thoughts and prayers Dreamy.

Well, I came round and have one of those ocycodone push buttons for when they Iā€™m in pain ~ mainly the entry site for the needle, but I am in a completely different ward (wad expecting ward 8) but at least the pain is not to bad.

Iā€™ve never fallen asleep as quickly as I did today, could use those drugs and a speaking countdown in the house :slight_smile:

Thatā€™s great. Sounds like it all went well.

Yes it went in an instant, a wee bit sore where the needle went in but good hospitlal admin in moving my clothes and things to the wards. My heart still sinks slightly at the likely time I will have to spend here- last time I was forever absconding as I stay just 2 miles away but thiink Iā€™ll play fair this timeā€¦ I still want a cig though and may bribe a visitor

After all youā€™ve been through you really do deserve a cigarette if thatā€™s what you fancy right now. It will be great that they can now start treating you to get rid of this and hopefully you will have your full upper body mobility back as it shrinks.

Thanks. Annie S at least now theyā€™ll know what type of cancer theyā€™re dealing wth and how to treat it.

Since smoking anywhere on hospital premises is now strictly forbidden for obvious reasons, its a bit selfish of you to attempt to smoke anywhere near the hospital, You might consider others who just might be asthmatic or have other lung or breathing problems.

A vape was would do me, UJ, have the equipment and just need somewhere quiet but have no liquid. I apologise too for being unkind with you last week.

Dreamy I am just catching up here.
I am afraid I would be climbing the walls wanting a ciggy.

I had a major operation about seven years ago and I coughed all night post op. I was in pain and I kept the other ladies on the ward awake with my coughing. I was a smoker and I have never smoked a cigarette since. If you are determined enough you can quit smoking.

I had a horrible time giving up, but if anything would make me want a puff again it would be a cancer diagnosis. I used to love smoking but like you it caused respiratory problems and I stopped just in time to head that off.

Hopefully for Ffosse this is Hodgkins again because thatā€™s one of the most successfully treated cancers. It wonā€™t be long before we have really great cures for all these cancers and chemotherapy will be no more. People are working on that as I type.

Unfortunately the Haemotology team seem to believe that this isnā€™t Hodgkins again as that site for a Hodgkins tumour would be written up in medical literature by now. Truth is: no-one knows and it will take a week to find out - meanwhile I remain under their care and the steroids seem to be having a positive affect.

That is good and sorry for me mentioning I smoke.
I am going to give up soon, it was my recent loss that made me smoke more again.
Shame on me.

You do smoke more in times of stress, I know because I have been there and done that. I stopped overnight, crushed my remaining pack of cigarettes. There werenā€™t any electronic cigarettes at the time I stopped smoking. Quitting isnā€™t easy, takes a lot of willpower. Worth quitting for the health benefits and saves so much money.

There is no real shame in smoking; if you can keep it to as few as possible cigarettes a day, all the better.

But I think you would like vaping, Sweetir.

Well the steroids having a positive effect is a great sign. Yes of course silly me thereā€™s not lymph node there. But I am keeping my fingers crossed.

They have nearly completed the first NHS proton beam therapy centre in Manchester and they will start treating patients this year. That will remove a lot of the risk from any op needed on such a site. Next year they will be opening one in London too.

Oh no, youā€™re quite right to highlight the positives (I have a tendency to catastophise and that just brings everything down).

You are both right. I will do it!
But for now, letā€™s all support Dreamy through this difficult time.

Ffosse, good to hear that the procedure is done.

It could also be benign. Hopeful there.