It's been a funny old week

Well it’s been a strange old week

Left the forum, came back to the forum, pretty much got the place under control within a few short days despite initial huge doubts. Even had a discussion about religion without falling out with my usual arch nemesis on the matter.

Blood tests Monday suggested strongly that I change my ways, which I will do after this weekend (which has a couple of meals with some friends, thus involving high calories, much booze). Plus, now that I’ve sorted this forum out, might not feel the need to spend quite so many hours on it, and hence get out a bit more to start a bit of light exercise.

How about you?

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Live long and prosper @Dextrous63

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Just another week at the Office Dex, still getting used to no pressure.

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hangin in there buddy - around the billabong!

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It’s been a funny week for argumentative bumwipes, and not just in these forums but from looking at the news.

Strangely (partly because of such provocation) I’ve spent longer than usual on here this week, but no doubt both will settle down.


@Dextrous63 A 'none 'week :icon_neutral: waiting for visitors who didn’t arrive which cause me to miss an outing with the children and getting my hair cut, so the whole process will to be repeated next week.

I had a strange one line letter from the Local Hospital health trust saying ''We are writing to confirm your telephone consultation with Doctor x ‘’ What! Who! :icon_confused: I haven’t requested an appointment with anyone :anguished:.
So I look up the name of the mysterious Doctor and the only mention I can find is on twitter where he gave a talk to some health congress in Birmingham about a diagram he had developed .
There is a picture of Doctor x and he looks like a hairy 12 year old …not good

Other than that can’t complain… :slightly_smiling_face:

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Has anyone ever used a blog?

Was toying with the idea.

Not myself because nobody would read mine, but a friend’s daughter had one which was very successful until she went to Uni.
They have their place and there are all sorts of subjects covered, plus AIUI it needn’t take up loads of time either so I would say that if it’s something you want to do then go for it.

Cheers @Zaphod. Not really that bothered about anyone reading it nor giving feedback (I know this begs somewhat obvious questions of why use a blog then), but have always been useless at keeping a diary of any sort and, given that I tend to come on here regularly and rattle all sorts of nonsense out, was wondering if something online might actually work better.

Indeed, who knows. Maybe Azz could set up a blog area on the board itself. After all, in effect, it’s only another thread which would require other members to agree to abide by mutually acceptable protocols.

That sounds like a reasonable idea, though as far as here goes I would be wary of relying upon other members remaining within acceptable protocols given my own ongoing & recent experiences.

Might be possible if one has modding powers specifically for their own blog thread. Dunno how possible that is, nor whether that might cause friction if the sense of being deleted by someone carries bad vibes/personal antagonisms across the site.

Wouldn’t want to create the main mods extra work though.

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Tried doing a blog once a month on another forum. Wrote a short account on the first of the month as to what had gone before, went fine for a while then eventually replies stopped coming and I lost interest. :man_shrugging:t2:

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The mods have quite enough work I’m sure and reading in-between Azz’s lines I think that softer moderation is the direction he wants, and after all it is his forum.

The trouble then of course is what happens when threads get trolled or spammed or as you suggest, when other frictions arise.
It certainly doesn’t put the forum in the spotlight as a friendly place when such things happen, and if it’s a blog of your own … well I would want complete control except for board or forum moderation, personally.


@Zaphod Yep, I think you’re probably right.

There are plenty of free blog sites out there, and it’s not exactly a hardship to have another tab open on the desktop.

You could do a blog if you liked, but its for you…as in don’t rely on others for feedback to motivate you to keep going. If you want to record your doings, then go for it. :+1:

Not nowadays especially and TBH it’s probably safer for both parties and for multiple reasons too, including the few I mentioned.

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OK. Thanks for helping me inform my decision. Appreciated.

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Excellent post, @Zaphod ,:pray:

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If at some time in the future you do make a blog AND you decide to make it public, I would appreciate an invite.
I suspect that it is likely to be far more interesting that anything that I would write.

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Wouldn’t bet your house on that if I were you!

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