It was all in vein

@Maver-rik I have only just read this about your fall! I hope you are on the mend now? :hugs:

Thank you, cepting when I knelt to plug the heater in which was a bit ouchy I’m fine.


That’s good to hear … I did wonder how your poor knees were today.

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Well done to you and to all that donate. I managed 67 donations before I had to give up. I gave one dose of whole blood and then all the others were platelets.

Whole blood lasts about seven weeks, but platelets only last for about five days. There is always a demand for blood and blood products as it is always running out and needing to be topped up.

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I confess … I’ve never given blood. I must be to mean and possessive.

67 donations … sounds a lot.
Do they give badges?


I donated 70 units starting when I was 18. My father was a long time donor too and he more or less cajoled me into it. I stopped donating 3 years ago on the recommendation of my then GP because I was becoming borderline anaemic.

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I don’t think they give biscuits now :frowning:

Last time I went you could have biscuits or a bag of crisps, a glass of water or orange or lemon squash, cup of tea or coffee or drinking chocolate. Did you know that the only reason they give you those is to make sure you sit around for a few minutes so they can make sure you’ve actually stopped bleeding at the puncture site or you’re not going to feint?


Yes, probably. But I have heard they don’t now due to covid restrictions? They just have you sit for a bit with a glass of water. Maybe its just up here…I haven’t given blood for years.

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They still offer drinks, biscuits, crisps and even popcorn, but rather than having them in a communal area you have them on the donating bed. You are also asked to drink a couple of cups of water before donating.


Well that’s good to know then…everyone needs to replenish their energy! :+1: :drop_of_blood:

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Stop asking me Why I cant give blood, please for heavens sake have some compassion…


I’ve been donating blood since I was 18. I’m still an active donor. I have the puncture wound to prove it…


Blood sucker!!!


It’s blood with Anti Bodies nobody wants it. no body… :sob: :sob: :sob:


Big hug :hugs: Di!


do more hugs count for the TL4… :joy:
I aiming High now I have seen Morticia at it… :+1:.


TL4 is the land of the Gods!

Release the Kraken


Oh Christ…I am a non Believer…think I will change my direction on that

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My group card has a yellow flagging diagonally across it with ANTI D in-between the two yellow lines, but although I was told to always carry it, nobody told me what the Anti D was supposed to mean. . . I lost it about 40yrs ago LOL.

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