It is a long weekend here in Perth

WA Day - formally Labour Day (A celebration of the right for workers to enjoy 8 hours work, 8 hours recreation and 8 hours rest).

On a whim I decided to go away. I intended to stay in Mandurah but the whole place was booked out.
As often happens on long weekends.
So I tried Rockingham and I was able to book 3 nights at the Hotel Clipper.
$229 a night. I thought it was very fortuitous get 3 nights accommodation one day before a long weekend.
Rockingham is only 48 km (30 miles) from Perth but the trip still took me 90 minutes.
Normally I would drive on the Kwinana Freeway but from past experiences I know traffic on the freeway on long weekends is very heavy and slow going.
Bretrick being clever decided to take the coastal route. Big mistake. Very slow going, especially on Stirling Highway. Too much traffic and too many traffic lights.
Then once I passed through Fremantle the speed picked up, for a few kilometres, then almost a complete stop. Crawling along at 10kph, stopping, crawling, stopping.
The final 10km stretched on for 30 minutes.
Finally I arrive at Rockingham and am now comfortably ensconced in my adequate room.


Aside from the traffic,* it sounds like you have an enjoyable few days ahead. Send pics!

*Remember you aren’t in traffic, you are traffic.
- Confucius

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Well, my cousin lives in Perth and no Labour day for her…

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Monday is the holiday. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes, for you in in your Perth…)

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@Surfermom @Besoeker
First night was a bit of a to-do.
I was woken at 9pm by a woman swearing and going ape shite crazy.
I gets up and have a look out the window and espy a woman 30 - 35 years old? wearing only black panties.
She goes back into her room and throws a chair at the large window, then she does it again, the window smashes in a cacophony of sound.
She then proceeds to throw pillows, cushions, bed coverings out the window, two chairs as well.
By this time management has arrived and they are keeping their distance as this lady seems crazy.
One of the managers is on the phone. presumably ringing the police.
After a short while I hear a police siren, the male manager goes to await their arrival, leaving the female manager to hold the fort.
The crazy woman walks up to the lady and proceeds fighting her. This goes on for quite a while, the crazy lady seems to have manic strength and resolve.
She has obviously taken a substance for which has brought out her evil, manic side.
The police arrive and go to the melee. Crazy lady turns on them and they all end up on the ground. The male policeman lands heavily on his back, crazy lady lands on the asphalted ground very heavily face first, the female police woman lands on top of crazy lady.
Crazy lady is fighting with uncommon strength but the two police persons manage to hold her down.
They ring for reinforcements as the strength of this woman is too much for just the two of them to get her into the police car.
Backup arrives and the four of them carry her to the paddy wagon.
Crazy lady never stopped fighting and screaming and crying and…
All this took at least 45 minutes with the lady being pinned to the the ground for at least 20 - 25 minutes until backup arrived.
This happened directly in front of my room, right next to my car. I was just hoping my car was not damaged.
I watched the whole event looking out my window. No point me going outside. what could I have done? A diminutive 63 year old up against a drug addled crazy woman.
So sad to see this happen. I wonder what crazy lady will feel when she realises her shenanigans?

Crikey … this is the wild west.

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Sure is. So sad to see this stuff happen. So sad to see an innocent person being beaten.
So sad to see the crazy lady doing drugs that screwed her over so bad.

There’s nothing better than a quiet weekend away!! :scream: :scream:


Bloody hell !! Maybe our Perth isn’t so bad !

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It sounds like it may have been a mental health break. A shame. I hope she is hospitalized for a few days so things can be sorted out.

That said, I don’t think that situation was what was promised in the travel brochure!

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This is what happens if you go to bed with a Kangaroo,you wake up crazy mad realising what happened that night

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Tomorrow’s another day.
