My luck ran out! I was out riding a local trail when I lost control on a steep, loose rocky section, tried to run it out but couldn’t, and did a slip-and-slide onto the jagged rocks! You can see it at about the 1:15 mark in the video. I hit the ground pretty hard, got pretty scrapped up, but luckily no broken bones. What I didn’t realize till I got back to my car, was that I had totally smashed my smartphone — that I had stupidly left in my side pocket — and had fallen directly on it. I think you can actually hear it breaking in the video but I wasn’t aware of it at the time. So I drove to the local Metro store and $150 later, I had a new phone. That’s what I call an expensive Muni ride!
I bought a bike after recovering from cancer treatment to try and raise my fitness level, I think I lasted a fortnight before mid-judging a small bump and going over the handle bars breaking a rib and damaging my knee on the plus side the bike was fine. I decided that perhaps at 60 odd there were less dangerous ways of getting fitter.
Once again,I had to tune into YouTube,” Ouch” Terry, unfortunately those are the risks we take when exercising.
I remember being on the gym treadmill at one time, accidentally turned up the volume…you’ll know what I mean!..…I nearly collapsed under the strain,
…I lived to tell the tale…
Seriously, those treadmill can be extremely dangerous, one young girl ,got onto one ,when it was going, which she didn’t realise, I can’t remember the whole story, she smashed her face up and the ambulance was called…
You will be extra cautious next time,Terry…how often do you go out on your uni?
I’ve been looking at them on eBay…I’d like the challenge of being able to coordinate and balance on it…my car park would be the ideal place…I’m very tempted…I could get a second hand one for a £100…
It amazes me that you manage those kind of trails at all on a unicycle!
That’s looks like quite a skill to balance on one wheel over rough and rocky terrain.
Ouch, ouch, ouch! Glad you’re OK, shame about the phone.
I’m not sure where the safest place to carry it would be, really
You are a bit of an inspiration to me as to what we can do at our age
More ouches from me Terry, that must have been quite a shake up for you. Glad you didn’t suffer more serious injuries like a broken bone which could have put you out of action for some time.
Hope the bruises heal soon.
An expensive accident re your phone
I’ve been re-watching video of the fall, and it looks like for some unknown reason my brake locked up, throwing me off. Can’t see anything else that would account for it. I’ve been Mountain unicycling now for 15 years and am pretty used to this type of terrain, and the technique of braking, but it could be I just had put too much pressure on the brake lever at that moment, causing it to lock up. All my other unicycles use disc brakes, but this one uses an older type of hydraulic rim brake.
I think it may have been the wheel,Terry, on those stones…not an ideal place to ride a uni,…
I have been a cyclist,RN…never like Terry, riding a uni, I’m just glad he’s ok, poor man…my middle son is a professional cyclist.
The riding in the video was pretty tame compared to a lot of trails that I ride. Just to give you an idea here’s a compilation - I put a few big bails at the beginning, then the riding compilation comes fast & furious:
Good grief, I admire your courage, but that was 2015 I see, 7 years younger…wore me out just watching that,Terry,
Yeah I’ve been meaning to make a new compilation but yeah, that one would be pretty hard to out-do. This one’s more recent and there’s quite a bit more variety not just trail riding.
Sorry you fell off but glad you didn’t hurt yourself too much. You are fascinating to watch. I wouldnt have been able to do what you do at 21 never mind 66. Brilliant stuff
Ouch. You need to buy one of the old Nokia’s. I had several mishaps whilst truck driving & my lovely old Nokia 3310 survived it all. I dropped it in a tipper as I levelled out the load out & there it sat at the end of the journey, on top of 20 tons of tipped topsoil. I dropped it off the top of a 12 foot load onto concrete & it survived that. I dropped it in a quarry & 2 days later someone found it.
Excellent videos Terry
So after my flying fall onto the rocks last week riding my 24 inch wheeled uni, I decided to up the ante and try it on my 36er.
You sure have courage and true stamina. There isn’t even a seat to sit on. Your riding is very impressive. Riding along the train track without falling off is amazing. You make traveling up stairs look so easy. Then again, you make it all look easy.
How long have you been doing this for?
Do you have any special type of seat post?
What type of seat do you use?
Is this unicycle something you made or modified?
Thanks Bratti. which uni are you referring to?
How many do you have?
What about the last bike?
Did you buy the cycle and modify any parts?