I’ve been inundated with spam emails: 80 odd messages within three days this week. They all went to my Spam folder. I looked at a couple then deleted the whole lot.
This one’s interesting. It has my name on it as it appears in my email address, it comes from wi-fi.org
I googled them, and looking at their website made me wonder.
I have had exactly the same situation @d00d. It started a couple of weeks ago, they all go into my spam folder. I received the one you have above yesterday - I simply delete them but wonder what has happened to cause so many to arrive of late. I have Norton installed on my computer so did think it was safe from spam, but it seems not. The thing is not to open any attachments I think, or to reply to them.
Yes and it had the same number of complaints on it as yours has - 42! I’ve had several telling me that McAfee had run out and needed renewing, I’ve never had McAfee on my computer. I received 11 messages in one day of various types - all in my spam box all from the same email address.
I tend to look at the sender’s email address and it’s usually a giveaway as to the message being spam.
Are anyone experiencing this spam escalation, both on-line and landline telephone. Following recent installation of a Fibre network to Hub/Router. Specially via a BT Account.
NB. BT comes in various ancillary guises. viz a viz EE & Outreach et al
Yes I am - am I right in assuming that you are too? If so, it cant be a coincidence can it that we both receive similar spam messages? I haven’t received any today, so far …