Is there a much BETTER way for them to make their point than doing this?

Why do some people protest in this way? I don’t understand. :woman_shrugging:t4:

How is doing something negative and against the law going to bring attention to the positive change they hope to achieve? :thinking:

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“Is there a much BETTER way for them to make their point than doing this?”

I don’t know the answer to your question. Is there?

To clarify, the painting of the Mona Lisa was undamaged. The news about the incident is in international news feeds all over the world. Their message is about the hungry people in France.

I definitely would not have known about the issue if you hadn’t posted about the event. Besides this spectacular event, would people be posting about this and talking about this issue any other way?

I can’t think of a way that would get that much media attention without a great deal of money. Maybe there is. But sadly, I can’t think of one. Not condoning the action. It’s sad that real issues aren’t more widely publicized unless they’re linked to a spectacular event.

Their cause is:


Total nutters
They need to be put in the stocks and have cold soup thrown at them


I have no time for protesters now, they have tuned into destructive vandals. Gluing themselves to roads, throwing stuff at art works, ect ect. Just being a real pain. Just one more sign of the way the world’s changing into a place I no longer recognise or like.


They are attention seeking spoilt brats who need to be given a prison sentence for criminal damage…And a hefty fine.


I’m sorry but I think this was a very effective way to protest

It brought worldwide attention to their cause, nobody was harmed or Michael prevented getting to hospital, work etc

The art was under glass, so there was no risk of damaging it

There cause is a good one, food insecurity and people going hungry in France It’s a shame more people in the U.K. don’t see fit to protest about that here

The wealth gap between the rich and the poor here and the need for food banks is a national disgrace

Our voting system means most of us can’t change anything by voting, and is too slow to change anything quickly and people are hungry now

And too many are prepared to ignore poverty if they’re OK Direct action and protest is the way to go

I say more power to their soup throwing elbow :muscle:t4::bowl_with_spoon:

And they should capitalise on the publicity by publishing a recipe for that soup, to eat, not throw!

My guess is that it was carrot and coriander :rofl:


No time for protestors? So where the suffragettes wrong to chain themselves to railings?


It’s a shame streaking has gone out of fashion as a protest.

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It’s a fundamental right in a free society to protest about anything, whether throwing soup at a painting behind glass or gluing yourself to the road way is the best way to go about it is a moot point.

Even neo nazis have a right to protest (though they look a bit sad and lonely)

Has it done any good though? I think not. One of the largest protests this country has ever seen was to prevent Blair storming into Iraq…But he went anyway.