Is Sacking Boris Johnson Bad for Labour?

I think so.

If Boris gets sacked it opens up some enormous opportunities for the Conservative party which will be not only popular with conservatives but also the red wall members and Labour Party members as well …

  1. A new PM can be hired meaning a complete cabinet reshuffle can be done.
  • Sunak can be fired - he can’t while Boris is PM (it would kill Boris) and replace Sunak with someone else.
  • Priti Patel can be replaced which will please the red wall tories and Brexiteers angry about border control and illegal immigration.
  1. Tax changes can be made which are supported by labour, the red wall of the tory party and at the same time traditional conservatives.
  • Scrap the rise in corporation tax - supported by businesses and conservatives
  • Scrap the rise in National Insurance - supported by conservatives, labour and the red wall.
  • Reduce green taxes (not VAT) on fuel to ease the “heat or eat” situation for pensioners - supported by conservatives, the red wall and labour
  • Reduce VAT on fuel (marginally) to help everyone because of inflation - supported by Conservatives, labour and the red wall. It also gives a Brexit benefit - pleasing the Brexiteers.
  1. Scrap the net zero campaign - its not popular with tories or the unions (labour) and instead go for small nuclear power stations around the country. Going for the UK being energy independent will also please the Brexiteers in both labour and the conservatives while providing reliable green energy to give a solid green alternative to the climate change lobby (still reducing CO2 etc etc.) and at the same time providing a method to power British Steel steel works which rely currently on fossil fuels - supported by the unions and brexiteers (for example).

  2. Sort out Northern Ireland quickly - the Brexiteers (and unionists in NI) and the Conservative party will rally around the new PM if Article 16 was torn up.

  3. Scrap HS2 and use the savings to help the pandemic financial bill (its not popular with traditional conservatives) and will be popular among the back benches. Instead “level up” by implementing HS3 between the cities of the Northern Power House.

This is a way the conservatives could easily win back support from the red wall, the traditional tories in the Conservative party and climb way ahead in the polls from labour. After all, they will be implementing policies that labour have have so far been opposing from the Boris Johnson high spend, high tax “Conservative, Socialist Green Party”.

Then go for a general election and clean up with an even bigger majority.


Don’t think it matters, looks like we have a single party system at the moment, all but in name, we seem to be having a run on catastrophe at the moment, that is forcing the isue.

Sure is which is why the tories have a golden opportunity now - do what labour says and reduce taxes, national insurance, VAT, please the unions by cancelling next zero and please the brexiteers by sticking 2 fingers up at the EU by tearing up Article 16.

No Starmer is bad for Labour. :grinning:

I agree. If Boris had the good sense to implement all of these measures he would undoubtedly regain the support he has managed to lose over the past year.
He should never have been listening to, and obeying, his liberal-greenie wife who may now have lost him his premiership.

I really don’t think Labour has much of a chance, at least in the long term. Compo and Starmer have together put paid to that. As has happened in the past to BOTH main parties, a series of incompetent leaders (Cameron, May and now Boris) have done nothing but reduced confidence in their parties.


But they won’t do any of that, they’re Conservatives!

I think they run the country for the benefit of their chumocracy, not anyone else, and it’s just that now more people are realising it

I don’t think the Conservative leader being disgraced and shown up for lying can be bad for Labour.


They will do all of that, the problem is that the country has been run by Carrie Antoinette for the past 2 years and her green agenda.

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Ah, well, people always do seem to blame the nearest woman when things go pear shaped!

I bet you they do none of it

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Bring back labour I say, how I long for 17% interest rates now I’m retired, thats a dream I know, new labour same as the tories imo.

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It’s true though :023:

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There is a good reason we have only had one labour government in the past 50 years or so.

Very true. During my adult lifetime, I don’t remember a time when a Labour government ran this country for our own advantage. They always seem to have created inconvenience and even damage for everyone… except for themselves of course.


@JBR You are obviously too young to remember Clement Atlee
then JB !
They took over a country bankrupted by two world wars , but still
managed to initiate the forming of a comprehensive NHS !
And supported businesses that encouraged giving shool-leavers
5yr apprenticeships with part time schooling included !! Thus
creating a pool of skilled labour for the economy!
Since the Tories came to power it’s all been downhill as far as
Joe soap is concerned !!
Donkeyman! :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

You are perfectly correct, OLD MAN!

Clement Atlee lost his job the year before I was born. In fact, the first PM whose name I was aware of was Harold Macmillan, who was PM when I was aged 5 to 11. Even then, I don’t really remember much about him, not being in the slightest bit interested in politics at that age.

Heath, Wilson, Callaghan and of course Thatcher I remember more clearly, especially the latter who was the best PM ever in my opinion. None of the subsequent ones come anywhere close and, sadly, I can’t see anyone else in the offing who would be anything like as good as she was.

Ah Maggie, disliked her politics during her duration, but, in the end turned up trumps, what a strange place.

What we need is not another Churchill but another Thatcher.

Incidentally the only party to cut the NHS budget was labour and the party that privatised it was also Labour.

Just for fun :lol:

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Tearing up Art 16 wouldn’t help at all, Bread. What we need is the N Ireland Protocol tearing up and Art. 16 implementing.

Agreed. It was that Bliar creature and his Scottish mate that did it.

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Yeah that’s what I meant, thanks for the correction Percy :023:

Another Thatcher could not function now, all the Human Resources have been consumed.

Sacking Boris the Barmy is a lovely thought - but who would replace him?

There is not a leader among them. These days MPs are all the same - the moment they are elected they forget why they are there. Time was they represented the ‘people’ - now all they want are extortionate salaries and unlimited expenses for doing as little as possible. The last time the House of Commons had a full attendance was when MPs pay was being debated!