For certain, again and again until we get it right.
In that case, I think this must be my first time round.
I’ve had 5 lifes in 72 years while on this planet. 5 entirely different lifes , I’ve changed with each life . The final 5th life has been 17 years and the one I’m still living in . It is hopefully the last life I live here because I dont ever wanna come back
Harbal, what was your first clue?!?
The fact that I’ve lived my life without a clue is my biggest clue.
Is reincarnation the same as being born again?
I don’t know about reincarnation. I do however feel I’ve been here before. Like yesterday.
If there is reincarnation I want to come back as something that doesn’t experience joint pain. My requst are simple.
What about those who have not previously existed? I mean there are far people in the world now so how would the reincarnation work ?
That’s an interesting point Besoeker. So it seems there are lots of completely new souls being created alongside all those who are returning. I guess that’s entirely possible, because equally there will be those who have had many lives and have completed the course. They will move on and not return I imagine.
It must be very crowded up on cloud nine
Or none.
A late friend of mine, a Mormon lass, firmly believed that she would be sent back at the end of each life until she reached perfection. She never did explain what happens after perfection was reached
One can only hope, Longie…
Perhaps she earns her angel wings.
I am not sure about reincarnation, but I have had a few experiences that lead me to think that we may “know” snippets our future - and past. I rarely talk about it because I have no way to prove it. Perhaps what people think is reincarnation be related to this. Who knows!
I don’t have time to answer this, Right Now, I’ll be back later…!
At the time I’d met my husband-to-be and a fortnight after we’d began dating, I took him home to meet my mother.
When he came in she exclaimed: “Oh my gosh, standing before me are now the doppelgangers of my paternal grandparents!”
Later on, she showed me, the now destroyed family album, with a photo in brown tones (that style of processing back then) of my great-grandparents. Indeed the spitting image of hubby and myself.
If I was to describe to you what great-grandpa Thomas looked like, I’d be describing what hubby looked like when he died last year. Same situation with great-grams Margaret. She’s me to a T. Two pods in a pea.
So, the conversations that followed for weeks until our wedding proved to us that reincarnation exists.
To answer the question above: Yes, I very much believe it does!
Well, this thread has come back from the dead.
has it got anything to do with Willie