Yes, nothing factual, no certainty. Bit like religions.
It is, very much so.
Nothing concrete but a desire to believe and whilst I’d be the first to agree that some things in Life are beyond explanation more often than not a practical reason can be found.
I have to say that the thought of Life is for nothing, and means nothing is also pretty dismal and soul destroying ( assuming we have one of them).
I wonder exactly what the Soul is?
Well just keep it that way. Once you think you know what it is, it leads to no end of trouble.
I think you’re probably right there …
Once you’ve got a soul, you are then stuck with the problem of what you are supposed to do with it. No, don’t you be a dabbling about with them there souls, no good ever comes of it, mark eey my words.
I have had an interesting life, but not one I would like to go through again.
Just my view, dying can be very painful, death is not.
I have seen my heart stop on a screen when having an Angiogram and I had to have the paddles.
The pain went and I felt at peace.
It really was a nice sensation, very easy to get sucked in, but I fought it, not ready to die.
The paddles hurt, they really did, but my heart started again.
I have been in Cardiac Arrest twice more, each time I was brought back.
Is there an afterlife?
I honestly do not know.
What I do know, in very simple terms, is death does not hurt, it is not to be feared.
Dying can be very painful and is to be avoided as long as possible.
@swimfeeders You know Swims, you’re a brave fella and I’ve always admired your resilience.
For me … as with most people I expect, it’s not Death, which is inevitable, but how you die that is frightening.
A hug for you
are you sure you weren’t a meerkat rather than a weasel?
I used to remember before I was born, I remember being a sunbeam. I mean not literally but that’s the nearest description. Just a very happy place…then landed here …thud.
I’m not sure I was a weasel, but I’m reasonably sure I wasn’t a meercat. I don’t think meercats had been invented until my current lifetime.
hmmm…I sense you are prejudiced towards meerkats
Don’t say that. This is a fully inclusive forum, and that would be a flagging offence, and my flag pole is already rather full.
What a coincidence! Jesus wants me as a sunbeam… or was it a rainbow?
No, I don’t think it is, but I do know what you mean
Twice in my life I’ve been to places which seemed instantly familiar and comfortable, like home and I’d lived there all my life, even to the extent of knowing what would be round an unexpected corner
One was Chania in Crete and the other the centre of Birmingham!
And I often dream of places at night that I don’t know in the waking world but are totally familiar in my dreams. And when I wake up I feel as if I know that place, and that the life I was experiencing in it, really do exist somewhere
But I think it’s just my weird and nutty brain playing tricks, deja view and my brain picking up signals and memories that I don’t consciously recall
We all have our own cross to contend with
I think it’s all explained by physics time space theory etc. Our perception and what is real are two different things in that we only see in three dimensions. So for example cats can see or hear or sense more than we can. There’s a whole heap we don’t understand about our physical environment. I guess we aren’t designed to for a reason, so that we can get on with the day to day. Perhaps when people lose their minds they suddenly see another dimension or the perception breaks somehow.
In terms of reincarnation again we do not understand enough about dimensions and how our energy is transposed when we die.
I keep getting flashbacks to a time when £20 a week was a good wage, when Doctors were friendly & willing to come out, (whatever the conditions), where the UK was ranked highly in the World, etc…etc etc.
Someone always wakes me up when I’m enjoying the scene!
Annie, perhaps these memory snapshots are from the Television Programs we watched?
A real dramatic scene may not be that much different from an artificial dramatic scene, in terms of being remembered!
There is likely to be quite a bit clouding our memories, especially at this age. My memory goes back to age 2. I did start speaking early but tv was limited to watching Tom and Jerry in black and white or my dad watching the news (on BBC). Apparently I taught myself to count watching the clock when the news came on. But my memory of before the before was a more serious existence. I don’t remember it now but I remember remembering something very different from the life I have had. But the in-between the before and life now was a very happy place. I’m not saying I believe in reincarnation but just remember thinking of these things as a small child.
Yes I believe in reincarnation.
I believe we have all been here many times before, and will continue to do so.