Is Polygamy a big thing where you live?

I have been watching the fictional show - Big Love - set in the US.
There is a lot of deception required to hide from society and the law.
Polygamy is illegal in most countries?

Can’t think who would want several husbands one is more than enough .


I think Polygamy is predominately - always? a male with multiple wives.?

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I was surprised to discover that even in countries where multiple wives are allowed only certain races or religions can have multiple wives. In Malaysia the Chinese cannot have more than one wife for example.

The other thing is that if a bloke has more than one wife he must treat them equally, buy a car or a house for one and you have to buy a car or house for all of them. Polygamy is not as much fun as it sounds.

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I haven’t encountered a single case of polygamy in all the years of my life here in the states.
That is not to say many have tried to have multiple relationships on the sly.

Not me, of course. And not pointing fingers but I have known one or two…or three…


There are polygamous families in Utah - between 30,000 to 40,000 . They are Mormon fundamentalists who were forced to abandon their practices yet it is still practiced today.
I do know a woman who is in a polygamous marriage but it isn’t practiced where I live.

Polygamy exists in three specific forms: Polygyny, where a man has multiple simultaneous wives . Polyandry, where a woman has multiple simultaneous husbands. Group marriage, where the family unit consists of multiple husbands and multiple wives of legal age.

Imagine…all those mothers in law…


Nah, ain’t seen any gammy parrots around here!

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Not to my knowledge,quite the opposite really,single mothers in abundance around here.
Staffordshire/West Midlands.

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doesn’t sound much fun to me.