Is it still an issue, wearing Red or Blue in California?

Excerpt from California View
Most Los Angeles residents recommend against wearing red in and around the city and its suburbs. The colour is widely associated with the Bloods gang, which is responsible for violence, drug dealing, and other major crimes along the west coast.

Although some red clothing shouldn’t make you a target, it’s not a good idea in L.A. This is especially true for tourists who may inadvertently walk into the “wrong u”. That said, the prevalence of gang colours isn’t as strong as it once was. It’s not as common to hear of mistaken identity attacks due to clothing colour.

However, if you want to be on the safe side, it’s best to avoid wearing all red or blue. It’s also a good idea to refrain from wearing eye-catching accessories in these colours, like bandanas, hats, or shoes.

As a rule of thumb, research the area ahead of your trip and identify the notoriously unsafe zones.

If I wore Red in California would I be “Got rid of”

Unlike everywhere else of course Blue means left and Red is right in the USA

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What does it say if you wear red and blue together :roll_eyes:

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That you’ve got nothing to worry about!

There used to a vaguely similar situation over here in the past with football colours although to a much lesser extent.
It probably still exists to a degree in some places within The UK.

As for L.A. I have no idea,if I do go which is extremely unlikely I won’t wear my scarf just in case :wink:


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Red and Blue on the same rugby shirt :+1:

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