Is It Possible For Someone To Remove Their Emails And Texts They’ve Sent You?

7779311, Ok… but why have their texts on my iphone gone too?
I didn’t delete them.

Summer, It does sound mysterious. No they have never been near me to access my phone or computer.

Could it have been done remotely?

Thank You, Glanny.
I have clicked on the email and waited and waited but nothing appears, just the words ‘no content’.
These messages and texts are only about one year old.

Jackie, It’s strange, isn’t it?

Ahhh! Right! I thought you meant these were recent/new emails. I have been trying to delete lots of old emails on my iPad and many of them say “…no content”, I just assumed because they were so old it took forever to download and I couldn’t be bothered waiting so I just deleted them. Sometimes the message also makes reference to not downloading from the server.

Yes, some state that… ‘not downloading from the server’.

I have been deleting lots of emails to see it the ‘missing ones’ turn up.

I think you have to authorise remote access to your computer but even if you did it wouldn’t explain the missing text messages on your phone…very mysterious