Looking at the news from around the world such as, millions of people confined in refugee camps
for decades if not longer. and millions living in squatter camps where they are marginalised and
deprived of basic services etc, and now millions deciding to try to alter their lives by taking to the
road and making their way to wherever they think they can better themselves !!
How long before these millions get organised, or they get organised by someone else for their own purposes ??
In a word yes .
People are on the move from these places.
Many of them are heading for Europe and from thence to the U.K. .
You can’t blame them the problem is there are too many people in the world.
I admit that I am selfishly thinking of Number One.
Yes, there are many places in this world that are unpleasant and even dangerous, but we must ask ourselves why that is the case.
We, and most of the Western world have made great efforts over the centuries to make our countries fit places to live, and I strongly resent those who are doing all they can to illegally take full advantage of what we have created when they themselves have created the mess in which they live.
I guess the question is, if you found yourself in a refugee camp with say a young family what would you do next? Accept your fate or try to find a better place? People don’t turn up in a camp like that through their own fault. We caused a lot of these problems in the world. Quid pro quo?
I highly recommend it - many reviewers say it will make you question everything, and I think that will be true for anyone who’s never read anything like that.
Question is, who is brave enough to give it a try?
Of course. I’d make my way to a ‘first world’ country as quickly as I could, especially one which is widely known for its generosity to anyone and everyone who manages to arrive there. Then I’d take everything I could get for nothing.
If I particularly hated the people of that country, or their religion, I’d also try to kill as many of them as I possibly could.
Incidentally, ‘WE caused a lot of these problems’? What did I do to cause their problems?
Perhaps since time began population has expanded beyond the capabilities of local resources, be they homes, hunting grounds or indeed the overbearing demands of the elders. We are a nomadic creature at heart, and so we set off to find a different and better way of life in lands anew.
Naturally, along the way this will involve clashing with those who either stand in the way or even inhabit where we want to inhabit. So people become forcibly displaced, often with nowhere really to go.
Our population continues to grow. The problems have, and probably always will continue to increase until a critical point. Are we at that point yet? Nope, but I suspect we’re not too far away. Maybe a few hundred years, if we’re lucky.
This reminds me of a film we watched recently (on Netflix or Prime, I think) featuring the Mayflower and the white Europeans who were looking for ‘a different and better way of life’.
They imposed themselves on the lands, resources and way of life of the indigenous people (the ‘red indians’) of that nation who, naturally, felt themselves as being attacked and ‘forcibly displaced’.
Funny how now, today, so many people are feeling sorry for those people whose lands were invaded by us.
I wonder if, in the distant future, people will feel sorry for the indigenous people of Britain, because a very similar thing seems to be happening to us!
Well this week seems to be a a ‘good’;time to resurrect this thread
‘Is human society breaking down’ ?
We appear to be on the thresh hold of the 3rd WW due to the same
reasons that caused the previous two WW’s,! where nationalistic government’s
seek to impose their views on the rest of the world by force!
There is also a world wide shortage of workers , especially for workers that
are willing to carry out work involving physical or dirty work ?
Democratic systems have been evolved so that the ,‘voice of the people’ is
diluted so much so that instead of government being led BY the people, the
reverse is the case! The people are told what to do by the government, who
in turn are influenced by the wealthier section of society who use their
wealth to convince the government of the day to make things go their way??
The police have become virtual social workers and l cant remember when
l saw one on the streets unless it was assisting protesters to actually break
the law ?
So is society breaking down ?? Or has it allready broken down ??
Yes I think so .
The stupid woke culture and the way criminals a4e given derisory sentences .
Social inequality is another reason there is no comparison with what some people earn and can afford than other s.
When there is death of aspirations eventually there will be trouble .
@OldGreyFox , Yeah, l think you are right OGF !
I have noticed that the threads have tended to be more chit chat than
usual, maybe us old geysers are suffering crisis meltdown ??
Whadya think?
@Muddy , l had to look at the dictionary to see what ’ aspertion’ meant
Muddy! And there seems to be two meanings to the word?
1/ to cast doubt?
2/ to be harsh ??
I assume you mean ‘harsh’ !
BTW, I hope you are enjoying the sunshine, the weather here has been shyte!
I think so too for exactly those reasons.
There is now a noticeable lack of respect for others and that is no doubt due to the ridiculously lenient sentencing of people guilty of criminal acts who consequently believe that they can get away repeatedly with what they have done.
There is also a lack of respect in schools, largely because children know that there is little the teachers can do to elicit that respect.
Ask the do-gooders if they can think which people are at the root cause of all this!