Is coffee in Diners in the US free after the first one?

All American shows I watch where people eat in Diners, they have a black coffee and the waitress comes back time and again to top up the coffee if the guests wants more.
Do you only pay for one coffee then it is a bottomless cup?


I don’t drink coffee so I don’t know how it is now. When I was young and went to eat at a coffeehouse with my parents, I remember servers walking around with pots of coffee, offering regular and decaf. It was sort of like water. I was too young to see the bill but I think you only got charged for the one cup.

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If the coffee (and it does look like it) is the same as they used to serve at Maccas then you could understand why it was free. What an improvement McCafe was on the revolting coffee they used to serve.

You can also see why Starbucks failed here with their overpriced dishwater.

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I think I had a Starbucks once in Melbourne a couple of decades ago. I do remember I did not like it.

I had a cup of coffee in Las Vegas, it was like mud…

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You only pay for one cup Bretrick……at least that’s how it is in the

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So it is true, and it is always black, pay for milk maybe?

No you are not charged extra for cream and or sugar. Lou


It is similar to Wetherspoons,you buy the first hot drink and you can top it up as many times as you want.
I don`t drink coffee as i am allergic to it.


In LV in the Casino all Coffee free but you are expected to tip the waitress

PS so is the alcohol

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That’s probably because it was only ground a few minutes previously :grin: … boom boom :wink::+1:


thats a cracker, LD

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