Intro from me

Hi all.
I think I worked this out. So this is where you introduce yourself?..I’ll give it a crack.

I am Keith. (Alias Keezoy)From Sydney, Australia. Finally found some time to chat to people on line. Never done it before really. After checking out a few other places this one seemed like the one for me. So here I am. Thank you all for the warm welcome. I hope I can contribute something meaningful to the community here.:slight_smile:

Hi Keith and welcome, hope you enjoy your time on here. :slight_smile:

G’day Keith! How ya goin’ mate? Nice to see another ANZAC here. :slight_smile:

Hello from me.
I haven’t been to Sydney since I’ve been in Oz .Everyone here says there’s no need to go.But they would,wouldn’t they? :slight_smile:

G’Day Keith, welcome to our forum, we are all very friendly on here, so just pop in and have a chat with us.

Hello Keith :slight_smile: a very warm welcome to Over50sForum…

I hope you’ll enjoy your time here with us. :slight_smile:

And from me…welcome keezoy

Welcome to the forum Keezoy.

Hello Keith :slight_smile: welcome…

Hi Keith & welcome to the forum.
I have read some of your posts & I can honestly say they have already contributed something meaningful, in my opinion.:slight_smile:

Hi Mr K. Welcome from me, the dour old Scotsman on the forum.

Thank you so much! What a delightfully welcoming and civilised bunch of people you are . Yes I am sure I will have a great time here.


Apart from the politics section. :lol:

Hello Keezoy, and welcome to the forum.
I hope you enjoy it here.

Hi Keith,welcome to the OFF.

Good afternoon Keith matey and welcome.

Hi from me.