Sorry Pats you obviously don’t remember the advertisement years ago which showed two little boys, advertising chocolate fingers. The little one obviously thought his older brother was the dogs and at the end of each advert he would look up to his sibling and say. ‘You know everyfink Brian’
or he would ask 'Why do you know everyfink Brian) to this day I still say this when I am being a little sarcastic to hubs, whose name is not Brian. There story told…
My mum said I was as like a fruit cake, I was thrilled until my sister said it meant I was thick.
Thanks Cate - I ‘saw’ the add so clearly when you described it there…
My hubbie used to say I had the brains of a rocking horse!
We prove that you don’t need brains to be beautiful, hee hee hee heee heee.:-p:-p:-D
Saw a new one today:
Your mind is a garden,
Your thoughts are the seeds.
You can grow flowers, or
You can grow weeds.
That’s really nice Annie, I say to men going bald that grass does not grow on a busy path.
Annie - superb isn’t it…
It is said that if a man is bald at the front, he is a thinker, if he is bald on the crown, he is sexy, and if he is bald from front to back - he only thinks he is sexy’.
Heee Heee Chuckle gleefuly Love it
So bloomin GOOD :!: :-p
There is a saying in the West Midlands, around Wolverhampton area mostly, which states that a person who over eats will become 'as fat as a bonc ‘oss’
What this refers to is the old practice of retiring pit ponies up onto the hill sides (that is 'bonc), where the fresh grass and no work meant that they would soon fatten up.
Where there’s a will, I want to be
in it. -
The last thing I want to do is hurt
you. But it’s still on my list. -
Since light travels faster than
sound, some people appear bright until
you hear them speak. -
If I agreed with you, we’d both be
wrong. -
We never really grow up, we only
learn how to act in public. -
War does not determine who is right -
only who is left. -
Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a
Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad. -
To steal ideas from one person is
To steal from many is research. -
I didn’t say it was your fault, I
said I was blaming you. -
In filling out an application, where
it says,
‘In case of emergency, Notify:’ I put
Women will never be equal to men
until they can walk down the street with
a bald head and a beer gut, and still
think they are sexy. -
You do not need a parachute to skydive.
You only need a parachute to skydive twice. -
I used to be indecisive. Now I’m not
so sure… -
To be sure of hitting the target,
shoot first and call whatever you hit
the target. -
Going to church doesn’t make you a
Christian any more than standing in a
garage makes you a car. -
You’re never too old to learn
something stupid. -
I’m supposed to respect my elders,
but it’s getting harder and harder for
me to find one now.
Fab - fab - fab :!:
Brilliant and oh so true.
When we had those few days of wonderful sunshine, which brought out all sorts of sights, was reminded of the saying “The things you see when you do not have a gun”.
That made my day, great one Des.
I shop in Blackpool Asda and I see things and wish I had a gun often. Show people even the tattooed man have to shop you know.
Here’s my favourites:
Don’t get my dander up!
Better than a slap in the face with a wet fish!