Interesting sayings

I really meant the first man who ever spoke those words was not a knitting person or hopefully a surgeon.

Sorry, I misunderstood:blush:

No need to apologise to my love. sometimes when you just look at the written word it is hard to get the true meaning:-D

Money isn’t everything but it sure keeps the kids in touch.

:smiley: That is so true.

If the cows in pastures are all lying down, it’s a sure sign of rain

Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.

See a penny, pick it up.
All day long you will have good luck.

“The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing”

Brides: During your wedding ceremony, put a penny in your shoe for good luck (Hadn’t heard that before no wonder my first marriage was a flop)

Make new friends but keep the old for one is silver the other gold.

My cousin used to tell me if you eat in the bathroom you invite the devil to dine on your soul.

My late FIL used to say, “I’ve heard ducks fart in long grass before”
loosely translated means, “sorry, I’m not buying that, what do you take me for?”

I’d never heard that expression used before, being a Southerner
he was a Northerner :smiley:

If you drop a fork on the floor it means you’ll get money.

Does it have to be accidentally dropped? :wink: :lol:

I hope not I have been dropping forks all night and the sound echos around OFF:-p

May you be in heaven a full half-hour before the devil knows you’re dead.

Does your chewing gum lose it’s flavour on the bedpost overnight?

Just read this one and couldn’t resist sharing it

  “May those who love us, love us; and those who don't love us, may God turn their hearts; and if He doesn't turn their hearts, may he turn their ankles so we'll know them by their limping.”

Keep your friends close but your enemies closer.

Everyday is a gift, that’s why they call it the present