Only because any criticism or analysis of the vaccines is banned on all media Ripple…

Pfizer: sales before child safety
The inside story of how we held Pfizer to account for misleading parents about Covid vaccine safety
Only because any criticism or analysis of the vaccines is banned on all media Ripple…
Gotta get all the none descripts jabbed, one way or another!
She’s probably hanging out with Elvis at the chip shop…
OGF What ! Please provide a link by a recognise body of authority as to ….the majority of doctors are against the covid vaccine and are being silenced by all forms of media .
After all there has to be something confirming your opinion or you wouldn’t have made that statement.
It is obvious by it’s absence Ripple. Never in the history of science has a discovery, theory, or invention not had its critics or alternative solutions (even Einstein had his critics) but we find none on the MSM. Why? The reason for this is because they have been banned from reporting any negative reports and results of adverse reactions to the vaccines, and there have been many. I don’t think you are interested in your own personal health and hearing alternative advice about the vaccines, otherwise you would have researched what was in the vaccines and how they work on your immune system. In any event, the fact that they were cobbled together in such a short space of time without the usual testing and scrutiny means that the long term effects are still not known.
The inside story of how we held Pfizer to account for misleading parents about Covid vaccine safety
And Dr Robert Malone was the bloke who helped create the covid vaccine…
Or this…
Evidence from observational studies is accumulating, suggesting that the majority of deaths due to SARS-CoV-2 infections are statistically attributable to vitamin D insufficiency and could potentially be prevented by vitamin D supplementation [...].
She’s probably hanging out with Elvis at the chip shop…
We seem to have deviated slightly from the original topic Annie…
Not really because my comment sums up the kind of rubbish I was regularly finding on social media in 2020 onwards about Covid. I was being sent the most amazing cobbled together “facts” by well meaning friends, or seeing it posted on this very forum. The psychology of those producing memes and doctored medical research reports would make a great piece of research in itself. Most people reading social media “facts” don’t scratch below the surface.
I know three people who have been very severely affected by covid because they refused vaccination. One really regrets not having the vaccine (she ended up in ITU and has not fully recovered). Another blames herself for infecting her elderly father who is now bedbound and needs 24 hr care. A third has sadly passed.
Well, average life expectancy in the UK is about 79 years so, if you get there having had a dozen jabs you’ve done OK.
Well, average life expectancy in the UK is about 79 years so, if you get there having had a dozen jabs you’ve done OK.
I’m 85 and follow professional medical advice and take all the jabs I’m offered. I did have covid last year but got away with only minor symptoms.
There you go then, it don’t matter either way.
My dearest Annie, its a pity that you don’t scrutinise the so called official stance, as eager as you rush to do with other forms of information. Especially the BBC, whose previous reports of doom and gloom have more holes in them than the Beatles found in ‘Blackburn Lancashire’
Incidentally, you don’t actually hear directly from the experts, but some journalists interpretation of what the expert said.
I’m afraid I can’t comment on your three acquaintances as I don’t know their circumstances, so I’ll just have to take your word for it, in the same way that you will have to take my word for some of the facts I produce, but have forgotten the source. I do my best to produce said facts and links, but you persist in eroding away their validity. Twitter might be scorned by you and others, but its more about who you follow, and there are some very eminent scientists posting on there who represent both sides of any argument.
I’m 85 and follow professional medical advice and take all the jabs I’m offered. I did have covid last year but got away with only minor symptoms.
My grannny smoked 40 fags a day and lived into her late eighties, but it doesn’t mean that smoking is good for you scot…
don’t think you are interested in your own personal health
You’ve got to be kidding … i’m likely a lot healthier than you, I take no medication I have no health Issues.
I walk several miles every day & belong to a swimming group.
For most of my life I’ve been strict vegetarian.
Never eaten junk food .
never smoked ,drink alcohol extremely rarely.
I’m ft 5.5 and weigh in at just under 9st .
Oh, yes, I take my health seriously … Never assume.
Yes you can find many spurious articles regarding vaccines on the Internet. Look at the wider picture.
Vaccine hesitancy and global warming denial share much in common: Could you one of those in denial …
My dearest Annie, its a pity that you don’t scrutinise the so called official stance, as eager as you rush to do with other forms of information. Especially the BBC, whose previous reports of doom and gloom have more holes in them than the Beatles found in ‘Blackburn Lancashire’
Incidentally, you don’t actually hear directly from the experts, but some journalists interpretation of what the expert said.I’m afraid I can’t comment on your three acquaintances as I don’t know their circumstances, so I’ll just have to take your word for it, in the same way that you will have to take my word for some of the facts I produce, but have forgotten the source. I do my best to produce said facts and links, but you persist in eroding away their validity. Twitter might be scorned by you and others, but its more about who you follow, and there are some very eminent scientists posting on there who represent both sides of any argument.
I do scrutinise the official stance. I’m not a great fan of the BBC these days.
Many scientists disagree with each other, this is how scientific knowledge is developed. But all I can say is that some of those I know who were/are anti vax (and I know quite a few) have had disproportionately very difficult encounters with this disease. I haven’t had an easy time myself. The GP is pretty much convinced that many of my health problems were caused by contracting mild covid early on when you could not get a test. I’m sort of better but three years older. I had a terrible time with long covid symptoms and muscle fatigue/pain/fybromyalgia. It’s very difficult to even explain the feelings. A bit like I’ve been through a mangle.
Anti vax attitudes go back to the MMR vaccine and I totally advocate that should be split into the three original vaccines. I will absolutely refuse to have a Covid/flu combined vaccine. It’s a false economy. But I do totally agree with vaccination & infection prevention measures such as masks as a way to prevent epidemics and the tragedy from some hideous diseases. It’s just common sense.
Who knows what may afflict you because of what and when.
You’ve got to be kidding … i’m likely a lot healthier than you, I take no medication I have no health Issues.
I walk several miles every day & belong to a swimming group.For most of my life I’ve been strict vegetarian.
Never eaten junk food .
never smoked ,drink alcohol extremely rarely.
I’m ft 5.5 and weigh in at just under 9st .
Oh, yes, I take my health seriously … Never assume.
It was a throwaway comment Ripple and I apologise if it offended you.
You certainly sound like a well conditioned amatuer athlete, and at this point in time, and probably also due to the age difference, I doubt that I am anything like as healthy and fit as you…However…
After running 36 full marathons all under three and a half hours, with a best time of 3 hours, 64 half marathons with a personal best of 1 hour 23 minutes.
Nine fell races of 42 miles in mostly six hours and a best position of 7th overall…Including a double (there and back 84 miles)
Eight fell races of 56 miles carrying full kit in 10 hours and a best position of 10th overall.
Running 110 miles of the Cleveland Way in just over 24 hours…
Hundreds of road and fell races too many to mention here, unless you press me…
I’ve regularly drunk my own weight of beer, and smoked twenty cigarettes a day for 35 years, and eaten anything that is edible (and a few things that weren’t) at 72 I’m still running/walking over 20 miles each week, and cycling 30 miles each week, with a BMI of 24, I don’t think I’m doing too badly…
I do scrutinise the official stance. I’m not a great fan of the BBC these days.
Many scientists disagree with each other, this is how scientific knowledge is developed. But all I can say is that some of those I know who were/are anti vax (and I know quite a few) have had disproportionately very difficult encounters with this disease. I haven’t had an easy time myself. The GP is pretty much convinced that many of my health problems were caused by contracting mild covid early on when you could not get a test. I’m sort of better but three years older. I had a terrible time with long covid symptoms and muscle fatigue/pain/fybromyalgia. It’s very difficult to even explain the feelings. A bit like I’ve been through a mangle.
Anti vax attitudes go back to the MMR vaccine and I totally advocate that should be split into the three original vaccines. I will absolutely refuse to have a Covid/flu combined vaccine. It’s a false economy. But I do totally agree with vaccination & infection prevention measures such as masks as a way to prevent epidemics and the tragedy from some hideous diseases. It’s just common sense.
Fair doo’s Annie, I was aware of your struggle with the after effects of covid from your previous posts, and am sorry for the anguish it must have caused and hope those dark days are behind you. As you know, Mrs Fox and myself had a particularly bad time with the disease, but seem to have avoided some of the after effects. Or at least, that’s what I thought. With ongoing heart problems from previous heart attacks that occurred well before I caught covid, I am beginning to realise just how far reaching those after effects have been. As jogging improves each week, I suspect that covid has been responsible for my deterioration over the last year, and only now do I feel like a weight has been lifted. I realise that I will never return to the runner I used to be, but I take each day as it comes and look forward to the summer and the warmer weather. I don’t do cold very well these days…In retrospect though, I would still refuse the jab…
You’re not to shabby yourself
There is a need to examine the mess that was the response to the covid pandemic. I’m not suggesting many other countries reacted better, but there are so many issues and huge costs (in money and in lives) that need to be reviewed. And not by the current government.
I’ve no worries about the vaccine. The technology was 20 years old by the time the covid vaccines were produced and millions was given to the pharma companies to accelerate the testing. I think the vaccines were a success story everywhere.
But the whole PPE debacles was outrageously badly handled.
The decisions to dump patients from hospitals to care homes was disgusting.
The squandering of money on nightingale hospitals when it must have been obvious that there would not be enough staff to man them.
The ignoring of the pandemic emergency walk through that had been held just a few years before.
There is so much to unpick and get better prepared for - because this was not the last pandemic.
It might be the last one in our lifetime.