Its not the admission time that is important but where your name appears on the surgical list. The higher up your name is, the better chance you have of actually getting the operation done. Conversely, the lower down the list, the more chance there is of something going wrong with a patient and needing more time, and therefore all subsequent patients either being delayed or cancelled.
It’s all about targets isn’t it as long as you are on a list and you haven’t been on that particular list for long they meet the target…jigger that you have been on multiple lists and lots of cancellations…hope it all goes to plan this time Omar.
The admissions manager had advised me that I have now been categorised as “URGENT” on the insistence of my consultant, who, of course, was not happy that a third attempt to get me into theatre had to be aborted, this time when I was so close to the knife …
It does make my blood boil.
I bet those that can afford private don’t have this wait.
Hugs sent.
Funnily enough, my original hernia repair was performed while I was still working and covered by BUPA.
I went to my GP to report “groin discomfort” - he took a look and immediately diagnosed Inguinal Hernia but advised that I would have to wait 6 months for a repair. I casually mentioned that I had BUPA cover and he advised me that the wait would only be a week or two - in fact, it was three weeks, but that gave me time to re-schedule my workload.
A different world … :shock:
Yes, indeed Omah.
My late dad had the same problem being postponed three times once when he had been given the premed .
At which point my brother demanded to know how often they were going to put an man of eighty through this nonsense . They said they were sorry but they missing a spare part of the operating equipment which had to be fetched from a nearby supply or something .
My brother ( who has once worked for the NHS )said why don’t you send someone to get it then and they did .
However today I see there are threats all over the waiting rooms informing people they will be arrested if they abuse staff I have only ever seen well mannered and obviously sick people in the waiting rooms but I imagine they have to deal with drunks and abusive characters at times but this could also be extended to complaining patients .
Hi Omah, l am so sorry you’re having a disappointing time with your local NHS. It must be so deflating that you gear yourself all up and then to be let down at the last minute. It’s not nice for you.
I hope you manage to get it done on April 9th, even though it is a bit early.
I’m debating whether to go to bed on the night before (for a couple of hours) or just stay up later than I usually do …
The appointments nurse has just telephoned me to confirm that all systems are go and beds are currently available for tomorrow so I think I’ll have a doze this afternoon so that I don’t oversleep tomorrow …
I had a 7am appointment for biopsies recently, I got there on time, had to let myself into the waiting room as the staff didn’t arrive until 8am then surgeons arrived about an hour later. I don’t see the point of getting there so early.
Luckily I was first on the list
Good luck Omah.
Many Thanks - I’m hoping to be one of the first …
That’s great that you’re finally being seen to. I hope everything goes well for you.
Many Thanks - I hope to get INSIDE the operating theatre this time …
Good luck Omah, I hope all goes well for you…
Omah, Wishing you well for tomorrow. I hope there are no snorers on your ward!
Many Thanks - I thought of that - I’m taking earplugs …
Many Thanks - I hope I’m well enough to eat something later on …
I’m sure you will be …
May I second that, Omah.
Hope all goes well this time, and you’re soon back home.