Industrial robot crushes man to death in South Korean distribution centre

A worker in a distribution center was crushed to death by a robot that mistook him for a box.

The man was inspecting the robot, and the robot malfunctioned. It could happen with any type of machinery. But I guess the idea of a robot killing humans captures the imagination.

That’s very sad. We don’t know if he ignored any safety instructions. Was it a bit like working on the mains without switching off the main switch?

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It sounds horrific.

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That is very sad, a terrible way to go and he must have been very scared

But workers have always been killed by the industrial machinery they use in factories, haven’t they?

I’m sure the danger of death was far greater in the past fro mechanical machinery than it is now from robots. This is carelessness and poor health and safety on the part of the employer, not AI come to get us :robot: