Independence Day

Happy Independence Day.



Reflect on sacrifices of Independence Day

Published June 23, 2009
By Col. James Brock
919th Maintenance Group commander

Independence Day, better known as the Fourth of July, is a time for fireworks and barbecues. It is a time to spend with family and friends, but it is also a time of remembrance.

The 4th of July marks the day the Declaration of Independence was signed, our formal declaration of independence from Great Britain. Men from our country took a stand and fought for freedom.

Many lives were sacrificed for this freedom then, and still today many men and women give their lives protecting the freedom that was earned on July 4, 1776. This marked the creation of the American Dream, living in “the land of the free and home of the brave”.

This holiday commemorates the courage and faith of our founding fathers had in their pursuit of liberty. This day in history united our nation and the United States of America was born.

Being a member in the United States Air Force Reserve I have pride in the costs that men and women have paid for our country. I take time everyday to remember their sacrifices, but I especially remember the lives that were lost fighting for our freedom on July 4th every year.

For most Americans the fourth of July is spent barbecuing and watching baseball. We go to parades dressed in red, white and blue and watch fireworks once is it dark. We use our holiday to relax, but some forget that there is more meaning to this holiday.

This year on the 4th of July we need to take a moment away from the fun and remember the patriots who have paid the ultimate sacrifice. The celebration or our freedom is important and the day should be a day of celebration, but always remember the men and women who have died defending and protecting our right to celebrate our freedom.

Freedom isn’t free. Many have given their lives and we must always remember the ones of us who paid that sacrifice. There are many men and women who have fought for our freedom and have come home. These men and women are just as important as those who have died fighting for our freedom.

They show bravery and commitment to our country everyday when they put on their uniform regardless of service. They take pride in their country and work hard to defend the freedoms we enjoy.

I too am proud to defend our country and its freedoms, and I will continue to stand by my fellow Airman and any other member of our armed forces and fight for these freedoms.

This year while you are barbecuing and watching the game and fireworks take a minute from the celebrations, remember all the men and women of our armed forces and the members who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for your freedom.

Thank a military member in uniform for their service as well as a veteran when you get a chance. I am always proud to serve the United States of America!


Thanks, y’all. It is a certain truth that freedom isn’t free.

:grinning: :us:


^5 ^5 Best Wishes. Enjoy your Independence Day. Wild Colonials. :wink:
4th July. Is “Self Reliance Day” Here across the pond. :grimacing:


Thank you Quint! The colonialist in me is going berserk by churning out some homemade ice cream, hanging the flag, and sweeping out front…

“Self Reliance Day” The free world could use a little more of that these days :+1: It goes back to the notion that freedom is as much a responsibility as it is a right.


Spot On. New World >> Vibrancy.
Old World.>> Apathy.
Crying in Spilt Milk. :wink:

the americans celerbrate independence day as a victory over the English. However us in England consider it a lucky escape

Of course, one always tries to make their failures to appear less than what it was.

Dont forget about the 450k American loyalists who fought on the British side against the American terriosts.

Loyalists fighting in the American Revolution - Wikipedia

Vietnam, Afghanistan (who have successfully fought off invaders for hundreds of years) to just name a few, have proven no matter how powerful the invaders are, if the people are dedicated to resistance, the invaders will not win, they either lose or give up and go home, and remember, George III tried again in 1812, of course, without success. “One man’s terrorist is another’s freedom fighter.” ( The quote originated in 1976 from the book “Harry’s Game”. It was written by Gerald Seymour, a British author known for his thriller novels. The quote reflects that individuals or groups involved in violent acts can be perceived differently depending on one’s perspective or political beliefs."

Vietnam, Afghanistan??? whats that got to do with the price of fish.