Day 2
Nigel takes a shower - in the nude - Josie does a double-take …
Fred and Nigel 'ave an argy-bargy over Brexit - everyone else wanders off …
BTT - Jungle Pizzeria
Nella giggling, screaming and showing off, Nigel quietly confident.
Nella had bugs, snails, penises, a wichetty grub and rank fish - she, literally, made a meal of her efforts and turned down the fish because “she’s a lady” …
Nigel had udders, teats, feet, tongues, rank fruit, anuses and penises - ate them all and commented politely …
Nella was noticeably giving Nigel the evil eye during his efforts - patently, if it ain’t about her then she ain’t bovvered (not) …
JLS had a minor breakdown …
Seemingly, the producers intervened because the next thing we know JLS is taking a bath surrounded by adoring celebs - as Ant said, it was like a scene from a renaissance painting …
Josie and Nick did a “Deals on Wheels” - painting in the rain and staying humorous but the celebs blew the question and lost coloured popcorn …
Dinner was buffalo tail … so tough that it took hours to cook - the girls gave up and went to bed …
The next BTT - No Time to Cry - JLS and Nella up - Nella, inevitably, chosen …