What a strange thing to say.
Humans don’t make eggs.
Chookens make eggs, Humans cook the eggs that the chookens made.
I’ll make you some eggs
No ones ever said it to me. I guess it’s supposed to be kinda comforting (?)
Like a “nice cup of tea”.
“I’ll cook you some eggs” doesn’t sound very appetizing. Maybe something to do with humans having eggs too.
I think I just mention the method when it comes to eggs. Shall I boil and egg or would you like scrambled eggs for example.
I suppose you could say shall I make you some curry but not can I make you some beef
poached or fried? We can make you some
Politicians seem to attract “Chuckie” Eggs
Okay, fried then please Your Majesty
sunny side up?
One of each, fried in lard
leathery side up?
“Make” is often used instead of “cook” or “bake” though?
Make you a cake, make you some supper
Us Londoners sometimes use “do”
If you went round my granny’s house she’d always do you some egg and chips
underdone or overdone?
I have only ever poached/boiled/scrambled or made an omelette with eggs ,i have never made an egg for anyone,i leave that to chickens geese and ducks…
Oh yes, and brown sauce I see too
This isn’t a thing here that I’m used to seeing. Sunny side up eggs with French fries and steak sauce. Weird combination for me.
butterscotch those are not French fries, those are pwoper chips!!!
the eggs are burnt on the bottom, leathery.
A plate of pure heaven!!