If you owned a Restaurant what style of food would you serve?

Years ago Ms d00d & I seriously considered opening a glorified sandwich bar in the Algarve … a few tables inside & out, good selection made to order, and wine by the glass or bottle, beers too but the emphasis would be on wine from all corners of Portugal.

Portuguese cafes are good, good coffee & cake but the sandwich is almost non existent. And holidayers sometimes want a light lunch.

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Most likely would have done well. There is too much emphasis on the higher end, with high end prices.
There are many people who do not eat out because the cost becomes prohibitive.


That’s true, but I was thinking there are people who want something less formal than a restaurant, a bit more exciting than the bog standard cafe. And TBH, I was hoping to educate the customer with different Portuguese salami-type meats, palma-type ham, a range of olives, different breads and so on.

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A few years ago I had the (not serious) idea of a Scottish tapas restaurant. Bite size servings of Scottish foods. Tiny haggis. Deep fried mars bars but using those celebrations mini-mars bars. And it would be called “MacTapas”.
Then last year a tapas restaurant in London opened which describes itself as “espana escocia y el mar” - Spain Scotland and the Sea.
Thieving b***rds nicked my idea. Sort of. They clearly weren’t brave enough for the deep fried mini mars bar.

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I think I’d go with seafood. Growing up in the Maritimes seafood was and still is popular.

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