If you could call up anyone in the world and have a one hour conversation, who would you call?

Having a Political Bent I would call Noam Chomsky.
I would ask him who really controls the news and why do you get so little air time?

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are you referring to present world ; past world or future world ?? afterworlds ; netherworlds ; ??

Anyone alive today

My sister.

I can’t think of anyone I’d rather chat to on the phone for an hour - and we often do!


Putin…it would be fascinating!
I don’t support him just in case that needs saying!
Got a Ukrainian friend on another forum.


Foxy :smiley:

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Lewis Capaldi. I’m a huge fan. If I could get him to talk to me for an hour, I’d be curious to know what exactly made him stop touring and how he’s handling it and what he’s planning for the future.

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I might have a chat to Putin or maybe Boris would be fun he is good for a laugh :smiley:


Did you find your Ukrainian friend @Furryanimal ,was she safe .

A whole hour on the phone? I don’t think I could do it.


I can’t either. My fully inclusive contract with my phone/b’band supplier states that I must end all calls on the 59min pips or I will be charged per min from the start of the call. It’s stated in their Fair Usage clauses in my contract.

You actually can call anyone in the world, if you know their number. I call my brother in the UK on a regular basis and we chat for hours.,

Ricky Gervais,we have the same sense of humour and i agree with his ideals,eg, people taking offence at jokes /comments etc.

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Sade, we’d talk about horse-riding, her Cotswold house restoration, maybe sing a duet.


She is in the army and has just returned to the front.
So she was safe yesterday…but today who knows?


I hope she gets through in one piece ,Thanks for the update …

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My Doctor, it’s like trying to get through to the pope…

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Let’s hope that this disgraceful war is ended soon.
Putin’s place needs to be bombed out of existence, with him inside.


My choice would be to ask questions about the world issues with either Dan Rather or Tom Brokaw. Both men gave decades to bringing the US news from the world, without twisting it, but reporting it truthfully and honestly.


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But making a fair packet on the way :smiley: