If pills were available, what would you "pop a pill" for?

A full meal in a pill for when out hiking in the countryside.
Change hair colour. Turn grey hair back to original colour
Instant Suntan.

They already are available but being a super stud I don’t need them. :wink: :wink:

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Anxiety- this is available…but they keep saying exercise.

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Make me young and beautiful, in mind and body. Yes, it was fun being naïve.


Are you sure Bretrick…are you really sure???




Well, considering i am already very young for my age, extremely handsome, extremely rich, want or need for nothing, have everything i wish for, a male model, a member of the 1% club, very sought after,
i suppose the only pill i could ask for is one to stop me from being a blatant liar :laughing:


:grinning: :smiley: :smile:


I would love a great wealth and happiness pill.

(I am discovering threads that I missed first time around)

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Love, Peace & Harmony.

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You been drinking. :rofl:

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Morrissey said:

Love, peace and harmony?
Oh, very nice, very nice,
But maybe in the next world :notes:

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Good morning d00d :grinning:

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Yep, I’m back down to earth. Mornin Vlad.

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:rofl: Good man, welcome to planet earth

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a pill to give me thicker hair and curly please , I’ve had baby fine hair all my life .

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I wish I had hair​:weary::weary:


There are already pills for that.

A pile to keep one looking young and fit

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That is disgusting RS.