If not Conservative, then who?

If there were to be a snap General Election (given the current political party are being a bit chaotic with their management just now) who would you like to see in Number 10 Downing Street?

Personally, I would like a Lab/Lib/SNP “Unity Party” at the helm…not that Nicola Sturgeon would tolerate it, of course, but I actually think she would do a good job. Keir Starmer is still trying to appease everyone because he wants to get the keys…and I don’t even know who leads the Lib Dems (Ed Davey?) So…who would you pick?


I don’t fancy any of them.
Truss is going to make Boris look good … Starmer doesn’t inspire any confidence and I most certainly would not want SNP in any kind of unity party. I’m not Scottish and they’ve got their own parliament haven’t they.


Seems like the question isn’t about who will do most good, but more about who will do least harm. There’s no real point considering the minor parties, so between the big two…well it can’t be the Tories since they’ve repeatedly shown that they are incapable of selecting a normal human being as a leader. Process of elimination leads to Labour.

@PixieKnuckles , It’s not new leaders we want ?
It’s complete new parties !!
We need a complete clear out !! :confounded::confounded:


Ahhh…so if you were to make some policies, what would you do?

The Donkey Party! :joy:

As long as it’s less than £1 to join then I’m in … :+1:


@PixieKnuckles , The word is “Asses”, donkey indeed ?? :worried::worried:


If only there was a fairness party


I would never call you an Ass :hugs: Plenty of politicians, maybe but Donkeys are highly intelligent, resiliant, skilled at problem solving, great at seeing the bigger picture and good at smelling poo when they come across it! Perfect political allies I would have thought! :+1:


Nobody is taught that at Eton :frowning_face:


@PixieKnuckles ,. Eton must be abolished, they preach inequality there ?


@PixieKnuckles , Your powers of observation are only exceeded by
perspicacity madam !! :+1::+1:

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I believe the question is wrong. I think the question should be how do we get a government whose primary goal is to end the two party, first past the post system. With some form of proportional representation it is highly unlikely that we get one party who can dump in their ill-considered ideas. The need for coalitions (and not a meeting of unequals which we had back in 2010) where the other members dampen the insanity of people like Truss. Or Corbyn.


I would have to wait to see which Candidates are standing in my constituency before I decided on who to vote for.
Though my choice is very unlikely to cut through the two-party stronghold of the First Past The Post System - I long for the day when we get proportional representation.


@PixieKnuckles I almost started a similar thread last night but could not even see anyone near the stadium let alone side-lines of the pitch.

I think SNP and Nicola Sturgeon in particular do a good job but in Scotland, she appears to be thought a lot of by majority of my Scottish friends.

Like you no idea on Liberals at all - I assume they have a leader and policie? their silence seems to lead me to not think of them.

Labour needs to offer “something” rather than seemingly to me to be sitting and waiting for the Conservatives to fail. What’s the saying opposition does not win elections governments loose them. But even with all the “conservative” disasters and mistimed announcements Labour don’t appear to have a strategy to entice. On a personal note, Keir Starmer something about him not sure what.

Both main parties seem to be out of kilter with the Country unable to read the mood or feeling of the people.

Conservatives do you know what I think they would win the next election purely because Labour are not offering a strong enough alternative.

My thought would be not a party in power but individual politicians who work for the Common Good.

I vote on a “local level” so whoever the candidate who puts forward the best case regardless of party is who I would vote for.

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Nicola Sturgeon has coped some flack on this forum (Ginger Dwarf was one particularly insulting description) but from what I have seen of her she seems sensible and articulate (which is a lot more than can be said about Liz Truss)

I know little about her policies but she seems to have her head screwed on.

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@Kazz Labour can promise all the dreams they like, but look what happens when politicians get the keys. It’s hard to think of the little people when you are suddenly given the power to sweep them all away.

Nicola Sturgeon wouldn’t touch No.10…her agenda is to gain independence for Scotland, then she is going to let someone else take over (she says)

Individual politicans sounds alright…Rory Stewart seems like a good Tory pick?

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Sadly oh so true. We all recalled what happened she the lib dems were in coalition with the Tories, and how quickly their proclaimed scruples went out of the window; plus how quickly Clegg landed himself a cushy little number working for the fat cat Facebook afterwards.

Let’s not even mention the useless chump Danny Alexander and his rapid entry into Chinese banking…

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Oh yeah. Forgot about that little trollop.

They, single handedly, destroyed any chance of the LibDems ever being trusted again.Tens of thousands of students will blame them for backtracking on their promise to mitigate loans, for a start.

But, we digress. What are realistic options for future governments?

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