If l Said, You Were Boring. What Would You Do?

  1. Would you agree, or disagree? Give reasons why.

  2. Say… ‘It takes one to see another’?

  3. Stomp off in a huff?

  4. Knock me out?

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I would probably agree with you.


Same here, boring does it for me.


I would probably just let you think what you wish, I wouldn’t react in any other way and if you persisted in telling me what you believe me to be I might just walk away. There’s absolutely no point in trying to change someone’s opinion, plus of course if you said that to me personally, you wouldn’t be liking me much in the first place anyway. :grinning:


I would definitely agree with you! I am very boring :lol:

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Agree. I am boring. I enjoy dull hobbies

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Now if I said did you have a beautiful body would hold it against me.


I would ask why you thought entertaining you should take priority over entertaining myself. :no_mouth:


I can honestly say, I have never been told I’m boring…

I’ve been called frigid though…:sweat_smile::joy::rofl:

Seriously, it wouldn’t bother me, I’ve been called far worse than boring.

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People who dig tunnels are boring.

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I’d obviously knock you out,stomp off in a huff,saying it takes one to know one and agree with you.

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It all depends on her is saying it.
If it was a stranger, I probably would ignore it, but if it was my boyfriend or close friend, then I would be upset.

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I would stop chatting to you .

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I’d knock you out

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I’d probably ask questions.

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I would have to ask you why you still feel the need to speak with me, if that’s how you feel.
But, Artie, I’d still like ya. :stuck_out_tongue:


I take would offence.

I am not boring at all, I can talk for hours about breeding maggots.

I would stop drilling, and tell you to fit your cupboards!!!

I’d say - okay, I probably am. So??? :upside_down_face:

Doesn’t bother me one way or the other if you find me boring. :man_shrugging: