If I was to write, Grawlix, how many of youse would knowed what it meant?

how many of youse would look it up?

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I’m sucker for these sort of posts. Great to be fully up to date! :smiley: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Grawlix or obscenicon is the use of typographical symbols to replace profanity. Mainly used in cartoons and comics, it is used to get around language restrictions or censorship in publishing. At signs, dollar signs, number signs, ampersands, percent signs, and asterisks are often used symbols.

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Remember when that &$#%@(& and &$#%@!( told everyone ^&%$#(*%^$, #@$!&^( but only if Basil showed his *&#$@! ) ($%@@7& :crazy_face:

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Errrrr Nope, never heard the word before. :thinking:

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I didn’t but I have used it :grinning:

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