I'd Like To Talk About Woodlouse

My shower tray is slippery & the sides are vertical so how do woodlouse get in to it? The drain always has water in it as well, don’t think they can get in through that.
Over the last few days I have found one woodlouse in the shower tray a day, only one at a time. I have rescued them & put them outside, but the last one I saw, I left, just to see if it would go on it’s own, it didn’t & after over a day I needed a shower so I put that one outside too. Where they come from is a mystery & they obviously can’t find a way out once they get in the shower tray.
Answers from anyone very welcome.

awe, all trhey want is a free nude peep show


They can climb …more than likely it clambered up the wall and fell into your shower .
They like damp humid conditions.

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Just shows that a woodlouse would douse when it gets the opportunity.

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I found one of these on my living room floor a couple days ago…
Have not seen one in the house, since the house I lived in several years ago that was deep in the woods, and on a slab…
i have no idea how it climbed up the foundation walls (a couple feet/ half a meter), and what it though it could find in here…
It was at least 4 inches/ 10 cm long… :open_mouth:


Those baby armadillos are crafty little critters and the slight gap between your window board (sill) and wall is the most likely point of entry. With their hook laden feet, they can climb and cling to almost any surface including most shower enclosures. What you need is a friendly louse snacking snake and your problem is gone :wink::clap::+1:

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Doesn’t seem like you have an infestation of woodlice - too few for that. Spiders love them so don’t evict them as they will have them for dinner and keep the woodlice population down.

If your shower room is downstairs, have a look outside to see if there is any rotting material in the vicinity where they tend to lurk and rot down compost - if close to your bathroom that may be why you see them there often.

Also, keep the shower area mould free as it seems to attract them.

If all else fails, fill a bowl of water, add some lavender oil, and place near the shower tray - they hate it.

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Thanks to all who replied. Just shared my shower with another woodlouse. Didn’t see it till I washed the sides down. Then it disappeared, it didn’t go down the plug hole, so they can get in somewhere & out. Guess I’ll have to put up with them.
At least they aren’t really nasty bugs.

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Some years back we rented a cottage for a week in Fowey Cornwall. It was a lovely old place and the building was right on the edge of the water. Anyway, I suppose that made for a slightly damp atmosphere. If you stood for any length of time barefoot in the kitchen these woodlouse like creatures would home in on your feet and kind of shuffle under the arches, it was quite disconcerting. They were much larger than the usual woodlouse and had a softer carapace, that didn’t make them any more appealing I can assure you :nauseated_face:

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Cockroaches, Chilli?

They definitely weren’t cockroaches Tiffany, that really would have been grim. They were a matt grey and really did resemble woodlice. Perhaps I’ll do a google at some point, not so close to Sunday lunchtime though. :wink:

This might help, Chilli.

:joy:that made me choke with laughter eating a cracker with a glass of wine realspeed.

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