I wrote a Letter to the Editor

Granting of Bail
For years now I have watched as Lawyers have done their utmost to keep those people who commit heinous crimes out of prison.
The Law Society is doing such a disservice to society.
Too often playing the “Diminished Responsibility” card to lessen the sentences handed down.
Sure, Lawyers are not wholly to blame, the Judges who listen to their arguments and are duped by those arguments are equally responsible.
Whether it be the granting of bail, minimal sentences, the granting of Parole, our whole Justice System seems biased in favour of the Perpetrators.
It must take a certain kind of person to defend the indefensible.
Time for an inquiry into the Legal System?

The Granting of Bail to someone awaiting trial is a separate issue to sentencing convicted criminals, so I don’t see how you can mix the two things together as one issue.

The Law still works on the principle of “innocent until proved guilty”, so granting bail pending trial may be reasonable, unless it is judged that the “accused” poses a safety risk or a flight risk.


There’s been some great minds in the legal profession.

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That is their job. everybody deserves a robust defence, society would be a worse place if this were not so.

Personally I admire the Scandinavian countries that have something like a maximum of 16 years imprisonment for any crime, prison is just an academy for producing better criminals rather than better citizens (despite being called “Corrective Services”).

There undoubtedly are a very few people who are a real menace to society and they should probably be held in a mental institute indefinitely but you can’t base your legal system around them.

This “tough on crime” stance by pollies has backfired and now they are having to revisit bail laws because of the spiralling cost of incarcerating people while pandering to public prejudice.

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We need to protect the innocent, even if a few scoundrels escape prosecution.

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Bail and sentencing are different … sentencing many would like to see increased.
Im of the opinion life in certain cases should mean life instead of 15 years or so with the chance of parole offering a sooner release.

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A life sentence in NSW means that you will die in gaol, no ifs, no buts. Part of the “tough on crime” agenda pollies have pursued for years, we even still have consorting laws where just associating a criminal can be an offence.

Hasn’t made much difference to the crime rate though (which in my opinion is nothing to be too concerned about anyway)

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On the news last week it said that UK prisons are now full to capacity and therefore people who have been convicted of lesser offences will no longer be given custodial sentences.
This was predicted over 12 months ago by the government but they’ve done nothing to prevent it. I think they know they won’t get voted in at the next election so they’re leaving it for someone else to sort out. The whole country has gone to dogs and the tories think we’re too thick to notice.

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Euthanise all the murderers who have committed heinous crimes
That would free up some space.

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There’s a job for you in the fire escape trade :icon_wink:

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We pay £47000 a year ( more if they are in Broadmoor) to keep these murderers in jail for the rest of their worthless lives .

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But, they give creditability to the worthy people!

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The virtue signallers ?

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Yep, possibly

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