Not detailed stuff, not personal stuff, just Personality “Describing Words”
I am
Nothing nasty there,are you really being honest.Brett?
There is nothing nasty about me.
Creative and Messy usually appear together.
I have known quite a few artists and I couldn’t live in their apparent world of chaos and disorganisation, very good people though and nice to be around…
I’m guessing these are opinions of yourself and not how others see you
I’ll bet that Mrs Fox’s list about me would be different to my list…
I am only slightly messy these days. Was far worse 20 years ago.
Out of chaos comes order Bretrick…
What does out of chaos comes order mean?
It means that the situation will be engineered into a chaos to achieve a certain objective, and then the situation will be engineered again into order. For the unsuspecting masses, it will be as if chaos gives birth to the order.
I’m sure not but " Oh, would some Power give us the gift. To see ourselves as others see us! It would from many a blunder free us…Burns translation…
Cogito, ergo sum
The ten you list, @Bretrick are evident to me in the posts you present, the comments you make, and I would bet you have ten more that would warm our hearts to hear.
Squeezes to you, my online friend.
Thank you so much. @RightNow
There are more. I thought 10 would do for starters.
You omitted Modest Bretrick
I was going to include modest but thought better of it.
well said, you can add self-depreciating and good sense of humour to your list
From what I have seen from you so far I could add “open minded”.
Yes, very little shocks me. I let people be, without judgement.
Are we a good judge of our own character,we are bound to be a bit biased.I’m sure Donald Trump thinks he’s all the things you’ve listed.
I have nothing against “judging” people.
However first, it is always a “personal opinion” based judgement and second, I find it compulsory to ask why people do/say/think something, before judging it.
Sometimes, people have good reasons for doing things. When you are open minded, then you might learn something…
Greetings from Germany
I am a hoarder.
I am lazy.
I cant get up in the morning early, unless I really have to.
I bite my right hand finger nails, left hand sometimes but that hand looks OK, I was always a nail biter but can let the left hand nails grow.
I am never going to have grey/white hair.
I have a wacky sense of humour.
I read too many books, buy too many as well.
I could go on but won’t.