I went for a walk today and this is what I espied

A Swallow

A Grey Butcher Bird

A Currawong

A Western Grey Kangaroo

A Mob

A Sheldrake Duck

A Paperbark Swamp

Two Mushrooms


Great Photos @Bretrick nice to see what you are seeing …

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Thank you. I always share my experiences. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Great photos Brett and a lot of wildlife.

I went for a walk today and saw:-

Swifts, Sea gulls, Pigeons, Sparrows, loads of Thunder flies and loads of Lady Birds. lol

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I went for a walk today and saw -

Dog dirt, empty vapes, litter and polystyrene containers.

Thankfully I wasn’t in my home town but I feel sorry for the majority of residents who will not have caused such a mess.


Nice pics,“espied” nice word too.


Ha ha that’s one cool looking kangaroo :joy::sunglasses:

Espied - catch a glimpse of - come across.
I am always espying things when out in the bush.

Kangaroos are the cool critters of the Aussie Animal Kingdom.