I sowed three varieties of Cosmos seeds

Here are my little ones!
There’s Tina and Bill at the back, Nils and Candice, Sheila and Bertram, Dennis and Ada, with Big Phil and Quentin in the front. Next to them on the right are their smaller siblings waiting for a bit more sunshine.


Impressive aren’t they? :lol:

You’re a nutter! :smiley:

Have you got them outside already Tess?

No, but they can see the wild out of the greenhouse window :wink:

That’s a great shot of the family Tess. The stems are a bit thicker than my attempt. :cry:

I’m not keen on the compost I bought, it’s bit fibrous. I prefer the more soil-like stuff, but hey ho!

Are you saying my darlings are a bit thick LD?!

Yes, compost varies considerably doesn’t it, Tess.

The soil based ones like John Innes 1, 2, 3, are soil like, as are the Multi-purpose ‘with added John Innes.’

Then the ones without the JI are a different texture altogether, often with big dry lumps in it and fibrous, as you say.

I have had Ericaceous varying considerably too.

I’ll try to find one I like and stick to it Mups :wink:

Yes but in a good way. :-p

Well, no sign of anything happening with the seeds yet but some of the dwarf Cosmos bought as plugs are now flowering.

That’s odd, two packets of seed I got from Thompson and Morgan didn’t germinate at all! I won’t buy that John Innes no 1 for seeds again, dried out too quickly for my liking. Cosmos weren’t planted in it.

[quote=“Longdogs, post: 1710352”]
Well, no sign of anything happening with the seeds yet but some of the dwarf Cosmos bought as plugs are now flowering.

That’s a pretty colour dongles. :023:

If you don’t mind me saying Tess, I would have used Seed & Cutting compost.
To me, JI No.1 is for potting on, not for sowing.

Having said that, I know T & M had a bad batch of seeds in for some carnivorous plants I was growing, cos they told me. I had to wait ages for their new seeds to arrive.
So far, not one single seed has come up in these new ones either. Now you say about yours too.
Most odd.

Are they man eating plants Mups? Perhaps they need feeding :wink:

Tall beautiful graceful Cosmos dancing a waving in the breeze.
I just threw some seed in amongst the Rambling Roses.

What a lovely surprise when they flowered.

I planted some Cosmos seeds in a seed tray, I used Jacks Magic compost, and only 12 seedlings came up. I need to transplant them into single pots, hopefully they’ll grow stronger then. :slight_smile:

Yes they are, and what’s more, I can think of one or two I’d like to feed 'em with too - if the plants ever grow. :lol:

I think it was Innes no1 it might have been a different one, very sandy, dried out in minutes.:confused:

Tess, just a thought, but where did you buy it?
Wasn’t Wyevale’s own make, was it?

Ummmm, dunno :frowning:
Could be we are near a Wyevale…

What made me ask was because you said about it being so sandy.
I have had the same problem with Wyevale’s own brand, Tess.

In fact I won’t buy it now because no matter which one I tried, whether it was multi-purpose, seed, ericaceous etc, they were all nearly orange with sand when I opened them. None were a nice dark compost at all.
They weighed a ton too, which was all the sand.

I won’t touch theirs now.

Has anyone else found this with Wyevale composts?