I sowed three varieties of Cosmos seeds

Yes, that works well with tomatoes Tess. You can bury them almost as deep as you want as more roots will form up the underground stem.

As you say, it doesn’t work with everything though.

Well I sat there for an hour at that little table, waiting for me Latte!
I’m going home now. :smiley:

Oooh Ok. That might work. Thanks Tess.

Got all ready to go to the garden centre then it started to pour down so didn’t go in the end. Tomorrow perhaps.

Sorry Mups, they had sold out of pastries. :cry: I will PM you a Nespresso. :-p

I bought some Cosmos plug plants today (never noticed them before but they had hundreds of them) so now I have three chances, sown indoors, plugs and sown outdoors. Even I should be able to get one decent plant from that lot.

:smiley: You will be selling them at your front gate at this rate. :slight_smile:

Ha! You may laugh at this Mups. Whenever I try something from seed I always imagine that I will end up with so many plants that I will be giving them away or selling them from a stall in the market. In reality, I’m lucky if I end up with one.


Selling from stall

  Hi  LD,   been  following  your  cosmos  adventures  with  interest,
   I  cant  help  much  myself,  but  my  advice  would  be  to  stick
   with  Mupps,  she  seems  very  clued  up  on  this  subject,
  speshli  concerning  uk  conditions.
  We  had  cosmos  growing  in  SA,  but  all  we  had  to  do  was
  let  the  flowers  go  to  seed  and  dry  out,  then  break  the  flowers
  open  and  spread  the  seed  around  the  plant  and  rake  lightly
 then  water,  lo  and  behold  in  spring,  more  cosmos!

 Good  luck  with  the  seeds.     Donkeyman.

I’ve been in the greenhouse pricking mine out (that’ll excite you no doubt).

I remember getting told off for picking cosmos in the veldt in SA! They grow wild over there, super! I really shouldn’t have been out there anyway cos of snakes :shock::shock::blush:

Thanks Donkeyman. Yes Mups is very knowledgeable when it comes to growing plants (I won’t say it though because her head might increase in size) :lol::lol:

Oops, I thought I was on the last to post thread. :mrgreen:

Are yours nice and sturdy Tess, or thin and weak like mine? :lol:

I’m planning on removing my spindly seedlings and planting what I have left but by a different window. I suppose it is a process of finding out what you can and cannot grow. I will still have some left to seed outside if need be.

You shouldn’t be asking a lady about her legs like that, Dongle. :lol:

And I’ve got me beady eyes on you and donkeyman discussing me too! :smiley:


Snakes in the veldt

 Since  being  back  in  uk  Tess,  lve  discovered  more  snakes
 in  westminster  than  l  ever  found  in  the  veldt

 Regards,    Donkeyman.

Middling :wink:

I’ll post a pic later of my Sea shells cosmos. I also planted Double Click which are only just coming up.

Brill, thanks.

I’d be interested to see them too, Tess.
I have some seeds of those, but didn’t plant them in the end, as I am struggling for space this year. They looked very pretty.