I said goodbye to Chloe for the last time yesterday

Sorry for your loss Meg.
Thinking of you. x

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Thank you everyone for you kind words of support,
I know many of you have had to make an awful decision about a much loved friend so can empathise with just how painful that can be.


So sad, Meg…:frowning:

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So sorry for your loss .

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So sorry to hear that you have lost your best friend of fifteen years Meg. There are no words that will take away the pain of your sad loss but I hope the prayers of all the forum members old and new will provide support and love for the future…A special hug from Foxy…
:hugs: xx

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So sorry to hear that Meg, you did all that you could for her and you have all the good memories being with her. They will always stay with you forever. :heart:

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A similar thing happened to our last cat, who lived until he was 21. He became increasingly ill near the end, but we hoped that he’d recover after being reassured earlier by the vet. Sadly, he became worse and was clearly in pain, so we took him back to the vet who then agreed to put him to sleep. We have been so close to that cat who was the nicest animal one could wish for.

We now have two young cats (both female) and are, once again, becoming very attached to them.

I am very sad to hear of your loss and know exactly how you must feel. If I may suggest, perhaps you might consider having another pet in the hope that it might help to take away your understandably sad feelings.


She’ll wait for you! :heart:

Very sad that you have lost your lovely Chloe Meg. 15 years of unconditional love. You gave her such a good life.

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My apologies @Meg but I’ve only just seen this post!

May I send my most sincere condolences the loss of such a good old friend, it is always hard but as you know time does heal, although sometimes we feel that the gap that they leave in our lives will never be filled.

We lost Alfie in May as you know, but we have such happy memories of him that he still gives us joy, and we are just thankful that he chose to spend his life with us…

So now sending (((HUGS))) and best wishes to you and your new friend Pippin, I hope you both have many happy years together to help put the sadness of loss behind you.


We lost Maddie the cat last year after 14 years. I know what you mean about them leaving a big gap in our lives Barry…I still look where her basket used to be and expect to see her there…


So sorry Meg…breaks your heart doesn’t it. Remember the good times x

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