I received an SMS about a welfare check

My Real Estate agent contacted me regarding a phone call she received from a tenant where I reside.
Someone has not seen me for a while and was concerned so rang the estate agent.
I received an sms stating that if they do not hear from me by this afternoon someone will be sent to my unit to check that I am okay.
I rang the agent and apparently a parcel arrived for me and it has been sitting outside my unit for the week I have been here.
My neighbour was concerned and rang the agent. All good now.
As an aside, the parcel will be a copy of the Royal Commission report into the Robo Debt Scheme.
Serious reading for me when I return. 900 pages in 3 three volumes


Bret, you are so lucky to have a “Real” Estate Agent, here folks just want “Purple Bricks” :laughing: :icon_wink:


It’s good they followed it up !

Not to be too morbid but sometimes people are found years later having passed away and no one noticed .


All of my tenets, regardless of age, are required to either phone in (my 2nd number) or send e-mail once weekly as a check. . yes, really! Holidays excepted, but if one forgets, a knock on their door will be the result. If they are not prepared to comply with this simple ‘requirement of lease’ then they do not want to be my tenant and I have a long queue on my waiting list.

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I was pleasantly surprised that this occurred. Good to know someone is prepared to take steps.

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  • Tomislav Nemes was found “mummified” inside his Gold Coast home in April
  • Detectives believe he had been dead for more than a year and say his death is suspicious

I read that yesterday.
The stepson seems to have played a part in this incident.