I often listen to Parliament on the radio

Driving home after work, which takes 30 minutes, many times I tune into the Parliament radio broadcast.
Why you may ask.
To stay informed on important issues.
But also to reaffirm my belief that Politicians are not nice people. A chamber full of pretentious people trying the oneupmanship angle.
They really show their dark side when sitting in the chamber. Today was nothing but slinging off at one another, using personal attacks, deriding the Member’s children. Very low.
It is easy to see why they are despised.
I honestly believe a huge majority of them are only there for self interest.
“What’s in it for me?”
Great income, great superannuation, great expenses rorts to be had.
I was asked many years ago by a sitting Member if I would run as a Candidate.
My response?
“And end up like you? Not on your life.”