I love my Doc Martens

Doc Martens, did you ever? It’s been 25 years, but I bought a pair today, and they are so comfortable.

Coronado Gaucho Crazy Horse @ £80, a little softer & a little less heavy than the trad boots. And I hope they will last a little longer than other options on the high street nowadays.


I had some back in the day when I was a uni student. They were great value because they just don’t wear out and were very comfy with jeans and an oversized jumper. They were trendy student garb at the time. Would never be seen in them now but I can see the appeal for men. Men’s shoes are in general better made and more durable, as if there is a belief that men walk more…puzzling.

Oh why not? Jeans & baggy jumper is sensible wear. And these new DMs are more comfortable than ever.

They look very smart, dood…:+1::+1::+1:

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I do wear stretch jeans a lot at the moment in these times of covid home slouching, but with bungee-laced trainers and cosy M&S cardies. M&S have a fabulous range of everything for the first time in years. (no DMs though!)

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I made the mistake of buying a pair before the first lockdown came in. They were massive and made me look like I had oversized feet. Took them back and got some converse instead. If you lived it, don’t wear it when it comes round again. Nostalgia has a lot to answer for!


I have never worn the trad boots, they weren’t quite my style, …but I liked to see them on others…talk about making a “ statement “…you couldn’t be self conscious wearing them…:joy::joy:

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Their shoes are the only ones I buy.Never been tempted by the boots.