I love dreaming nice dreams

Dreamt last night about my Island home and the wild life there.
Did you know that the Tasmanian Giant Freshwater Crayfish is the biggest in the world?
In the past it has been as large as 6kg, 13 lb, and as long as 80 cm, 31"
Today it grows to 3kg. It lives for 60 years.

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If that crayfish is an example of one of your nice dreams, I don’t want to contemplate one of your nightmares!
Yikes!!! It’s a big 'un!


Its good to know, in years, one has outlived a Crayfish.

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What an outstanding creature! I had no idea they grew this big. What a place Tasmania must be!

Below is one of my favorite pictures. Once, on an early morning run, I came across this crayfish, about 6" long. He bravely stood his ground and made himself as big as he could, willing to fight to the death, I suppose.

I can only imagine that I, at the terrifying height of 64", must have been the stuff of crustacean nightmares.

BTW, I moved him carefully back to the nearby pond to save him from other passersby who might not have recognized his stoic courage.