I just looked up the cost of cassette tapes on Amazon…£26.95 for a pack of 5 tapes, 45 mins each side. They cost more than a walkman to play it on! The walkmans are £22.00…
I like that set up! If it still works, keep it playing…no point in getting rid of it just because its not so common anymore. I had something similar a few years ago, but gave it away. I do regret it sometimes. Ah well…c’est la vie!
Well yes, they did…but you could splice them together if it was music you really liked. I did that when I recorded the Top 40 on a Sunday night, followed by Ann Nightingale.
nostalgia road trip now
Hi Pixie
Ahh home taping,bet you did the same thing I did.
Finger on the pause button of the cassette recorder, waiting and hoping that the radio presenter did’nt speak over the last bit of the song you were recording.
Alan ‘Fluff’ Freeman on the Saturday Night Rock show,that was another one of my faves,I’ve got the tapes I recorded in a box somewhere at my parents house.Well I hope so unless my dad’s recorded over them.
No!! Do they? Oh I’m going to check that out in the morning then…there’s a few I want to check out…Steve Wright in the afternoon…DLT on a Saturday morning…oh my word.
Just a reminder I won a Nylon zip up Jacket and a Haversac kind of Bag…Capital Radio on them… on his show, spoke with him and oh my…£100 as well…name that song…phoned and got through…yay yay
My Pioneer stack that has a two cassette record/playback connected seperate, must be at least 40yrs old and maybe older. It still all functions as good as it did when I first bought it. All I have replaced are the cassette heads and the deck cartridge for an upgrade.
All these modern equivalents selling for ridiculous prices, are nowhere near as good as the originals where sound quality was the main objective.
You would - I was watching it a couple of days ago:
As of October 2021, the series was being repeated on nostalgia-themed Freeview station That’s TV Gold alongside another Thames TV comedy show licenced from Fremantle, The Best of Tommy Cooper. That’s TV have kept Everett’s ‘naughty bits’ intact with a warning added at the beginning of the programme, due to the prospect of the content causing offence to modern viewers.
Sadly, Series 2, Episode 7 failed to amuse me, as once it had: